O Great Pumpkin

Sep 13, 2019 20:44

O Great Pumpkin, I present for your approval this very sincere pumpkin patch. I hope your trickortreatex is ghoulish and bright!

My AO3 username is NancyBrown. It is possible I enjoy Trick or Treat even more than I love Yuletide, and I love Yuletide a lot. I hope you enjoy it, too!

Likes: fix-its, friendly rivalries, sticky sweet schmoop, time travel, "you and me against the world," crossovers with neighbouring fandoms (Doctor Who, Sarah Jane Adventures, Class, Static Shock, Batman:TAS, Superman:TAS -- not Supernatural or Teen Wolf because I don't watch them), tie-ins to fics I've written (what?), humour, case fics, romance, mystery, hopeful apocalypses, old fashioned horror.

Dislikes: character bashing (this includes bashing characters' names), non-fixed character deaths, noncon, issue fic, OC POV, A/B/O, mundane AUs, body horror, unrequested pairings unless you know for a fact I ship it. TW-specific DNWs: CoE and MD (though I like the CoE characters and enjoy AUs where they interact with the other cast and no one is dead and nothing hurts). Despite this, as stated above, I am weirdly good with apocafic as long as there's a hopeful ending or everyone everywhere is dead together. My issues, man. Don't ask about them.

Fandoms! The following prompts are ideas, and I'm not married to any of them. I am good with anything in the usual tropes lists. (For a nice long list, start here.) Mainly, use some or all of the characters I requested, don't focus on characters I didn't request, and I'm going to be pleased with whatever I find in my goody bag. Except bees or wasps. Don't leave bees or wasps in there, please. Issues. I told you.


Suggested prompts:
- Sticky sweet Jack/Ianto (could be literal) solving a case together
- Same pairing dealing with Alice and/or Steven and/or magically-acquired possibly-alien infant
- Lois and Ianto manage to take over the world together. Possibly they are the monsters.
- Cyberwoman AU: Lisa wins
- Cyberwoman never happened: Lisa and Ianto move to Cardiff post-Canary Wharf for typical Torchwood adventures, by which I mean sex with Jack
- full classic team (or parts thereof, or adding in Lois) have to deal with something horrible coming through the Rift, which they handle in typical Torchwood fashion (badly).
- on the creepier side, Jack and/or Alice are haunted by Ianto and Steve's ghosts
- Alice winds up as a Companion to one of the Doctors. (Maybe Thirteen? I'm also always happy with her having adventures with Jenny.)

DC Animated Universe

I am happy to see the rest of the League in a fic. I chose these characters as focus characters, and also I ship John/Shayera and Warhawk/Aquagirl like it's my job.

Suggested Prompts:
- The Justice League or the JLU Beyond team misses saving the world just one time.
- JLU Beyond team keeps up the League tradition of alternating between wanting to kill your coworkers and wanting to bone your coworkers
- John/Shayera with lil Rex fluff (I don't like the JLU Beyond comics, and I think they served Mari poorly, feel free to ignore them and show her living a long, happy life).
- Time loop shenanigans
- Zombies, pirates, zombie pirates?
- Trapped on the other side of the universe together and finding the way home.
- Sometimes it's fun to trick or treat in your own costume.


- Xanatos gonna Xanatos. Just because the X-family is on the straight and narrow doesn't mean they're always on the straight and narrow. What plans within plans are they cooking this time?
- David/Fox/Owen is 100% my jam, raising Alex and causing mayhem on the side.
- How many more ghosts live in the castle?

trick or treat

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