goddessem Post your LJ pics. 'Splain. If there is too much, sum up:
1. Coffee: You can sleep when you're dead. I use this pic when I'm feeling caffienated.
2. Daffy and Porky from their version of Robin Hood I love laughter like this. When something amuses me or makes me laugh out loud, I use this icon.
3. The Drunken Pony it's from scanned pages from a ghetto children's book about how getting drunk is bad that someone posted. I use it when I am hungover or tell stories about getting drunk.
4. Bogart taken by This is my dog. I lurve him.
5.Teddy Girls I don't use this one anymore. But I still love it because the chick is so terminally cool. Even though she was probably gang raped by all those dudes behind her. Still cool. Look up "Teddy Girls" in wikipedia and learn something
6.Moossa For band posts
6. THERE IS NO SIX! That's all of them I could find in my scrapbook gallery or on my hard-drive. I don't know how to pull from my user pics. I am lame.
stoopid meme