The Pre-requisite
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Go The Basics
Name: Kaworu. Let's leave it at that, ok? I don't like my real name...
Age: 22
Describe the meaning or significance in your username: *takes on a monotonous voice* Nagisa Kaworu from Shinseiki Evangelion, or Neon Genesis Evangelion, is the 17th Angel, The Angel of the Free Will, who dared to go against the God himself even if in the end it all was useless. He is also the one who shamelessly manipulated Ikari Shinji, the boy pilot whom he supposedely loved. Enough?
Favorite color: black
Do you give orders or simple follow what's given to you? Erm... It depends.
Is the glass half full or half empty? Depends on what is in the glass.
Your favourite drink is? Coffee. And Martini. NOT mixed, thank you very much )))
Smoking. Yes or no? Yesssss //_^ Marlboro Lights and Black Stone (no, I'm not hinting Yasu. I just like the taste //___^)
Scraping the Surface
What are your interests? Hmm... anime, manga, writing and reading fanfiction, making fanart, yaoi and yuri, playing guitar, cosplay, coffee, cats, pretty girls, flirting with said girls, beauty in general... I'm really into shamanism and buddhism. I also like cooking and teaching. Oh, and Linux. How could I forget about Linux? //_^"
What are your pet peeves? homophobes, noisy places, stupid and incompetent people. Oh, and I hate it when anyone even touches what is mine without my permission. Meaning not only things.
What are your hobbies? Special talents? Hobbies: writing, fanart, guitar, billiards (both playing and watching), reading. Talents: writing (in my native language), teaching, cooking, listening.
Your strengths lie in… and why? my rationality and intelligence. Sadly enough, these are also my greatest weaknesses. Another strong point is my ability to listen to people and hear what they are really talking about.
Your weaknesses are… and why? I am unbelievably lazy. I can spend a month doing absolutely nothing and be happy with it. Why? Well, because I should be doing a lot of things if I don't want to live on a dump.
Digging a little Deeper
Who do you admire (whether it be fictitious or real life) and why? Oscar Wilde. 1) He lived his life the way he wanted and wasn't afraid of the consequences. 2) His sense of beauty and harmony is unbelievable. 3) His paradoxes are absolutely adorable. They seem (and probably are) sarcastic and sharp, and there's so much meaning in them that every single one could lead to a month-long conversation. 4) His writing style is just beautiful. 5) He was a yaoi fanboy XD
What do you look for in a friend and why? It's useless to look for something in a friendship. Friendship just is. I can describe what it starts from or what it is usually based on, but none of these are crucial. There's a feeling, something sacred about friendship, and it's not about understanding or even trust. It's something deeper.
If you were in a rock band, which position would you play and why? Guitar. Because I'm playing it anyway //_^ And I can't play anything else. Or sing for that matter //_^"
How would your ideal room/apartment look like and why? Hmm... Something dark and gothic but warm and comfortable. Maybe artifical stones on walls and chandeliers shaped as bats. I like dark colours and everything gothic, but I'm all about comfort. Leave my cold (or uncomfortable in any other way) for an hour, and you'll get mad from my constant whining and bad temper. The cold is my worst enemy.
If you were a piece of jewelry what would you be and why? I'd like to be a black spiked collar with little bats and spiders on thin silver chains. I'd like to embrace a pale perfect neck of a pretty gothic lady //_~
From the Manga
Who is your favorite character and why? Everyone thought that would be Shin (because I'm big Ishida Akira-sama fangirl), but it's Oosaki Nana. Actually, she's the second female character I'm almost in love with. The first one was Utena. She's everything I want to be except sexuality //_^ I'm quite comfortably homo //___^
Who is your least favorite character and why? Erm... none? //_^"
Your favorite pairing? And why? NanaHachi! //___^ They would make a perfect pair. And it's a refreshing break from my constant yaoi obsession //_^"
Your favorite relationship? And why? Again, Nana and Hachi. It's too amusing to look at their developement. And I have too much yuri-ish ideas... //_~
Et Cetera
Where did you hear about us from?
hikago_mirrorAnything else you'd like to add? No, not really.