Last weekend was LFCC in London. Before anything you must understand. I've been a university student for the past decade or so. Meaning; I never have MONEY to go
to conventions and meet stars. I've always been jealous of the people who were able to go to all these things! Now that Im a PhD student, I'm still poor but LESS so :)
Meaning, I could FINALLY go meet the glorious Amanda Tapping in London! Seriously WOW. Usually when I meet stars I'm afraid that they are less awsome than on the big screen.
It seems to 'humanize' them, for Amanda, this was NOT TRUE. Amanda IS NOT HUMAN. I believe she's a frkking UNICORN. She was SO sweet and nice, hugging me when I was nervous and saying
that I'm 'So beautiful' (this is why I have the frakked up face in the picture, you can't have Amanda Tapping say that to you and have a normal face ... YOU CAN NOT!)
Im just in loooveeee
I'll never be okay....