[004] In which Naminé finds Riku after his encounter with Larxene

Jan 22, 2007 02:45

She can hear several knocks on the door of her room -- calm and indifferent -- before Saïx, the current member of the Organization set to guard her, gets up and paces towards the other end of the room with a smooth and confident stride. Quietly, she lets her pencil rest in her hand, frozen for the briefest moment, while she listens intently. She ( Read more... )

oom, memory, riku

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tall_dark_and January 22 2007, 08:00:31 UTC
The room is a bit dusty, a bit old and abandoned. Even in a place like this, such a thing is possible - even in a place like this.

In a corner of the room, a cloak has been thrown. It may have existed once as a coat of the Organization - but it's been torn to bits and pieces, and it lies in tatters.

In another corner, there is a large pile of cloth. Old blankets, old pillows? Something like. In any case, it serves as a makeshift sort of bed, or at least it could.

The person who was going to sleep in it didn't quite make it there. The blood stains lead towards the center of the room, where a boy has collapsed. He's curled into a ball, and at the moment, has not been shaked from unconsciousness.

Even without seeing his face, the hair is an identifier as to who this is. It just doesn't explain why he's in such bad shape.


naminemory January 22 2007, 08:08:24 UTC
When she steps into the room, it takes a moment for her eyes to adjust to the sudden change of illumination.

But when it does...her bright blue eyes widen upon recognizing someone on the ground in the centre of the space. Ignoring the blood and the tattered clothing she rushes to the figure's side, her hands hesitant at first to touch him. But then her fingers lightly brush the hair in his face, touching his cheek with a gentle tenderness.

Already her throat is tightening and she feels cold.


tall_dark_and January 22 2007, 08:26:49 UTC
Riku's eyelashes flutter open and closed, as he pushes for something like consciousness. He's not aware of much, except a touch on his cheek - something that he can't really identify.

If he was able to fight a little closer, he'd know her. If he was able to know a little more, he'd be able to see her. But as it stands... all he can do is reflexively jerk away from her touch, and curl into a tighter ball.

He's too tired to put up with anything more.


naminemory January 22 2007, 08:45:23 UTC
If she had a heart, it would break just to see such a thing. The instinctive jerking away...oh, who could have done this to him? The once confident, silly and heroic Riku seems to have been snuffed out like a short-lived flame, leaving so vulnerable a figure in his stead.

She doesn't shrink back from him as she might have before, but her fingers hover over his skin now, inspecting some of the wounds she can see from where she is. There's something silver glinting from his shoulder, but she is afraid to look at it for long. She can see several red welted lines cutting across his body, marring what used to be perfection.

"Riku," she says quietly, "what happened to you?"


tall_dark_and January 22 2007, 08:59:51 UTC
That's not an answer he can provide - at least, not at the moment. He's still fighting for that thing known as consciousness, with only whispers and hints of what's around him reachin through the haze of his mind.

His eyes open, but they only stare blankly for a minute, before he shifts. They barely focus on her, but - he does see her. It's enough.


He doesn't quite understand why she's here.


naminemory January 22 2007, 09:15:58 UTC
"Oh, Riku," she says, her voice cracking a bit. She turns her attention from the wounds on his body (suddenly wishing she had brought her healing materials with her) to his face once more. When she meets his eyes, she swallows, trying hard to keep from crying.

She has to be strong -- she has to.

Gently, Naminé strokes the side of his face, hoping that her touch will keep him conscious. "I'm here," she whispers soothingly. "I'm here."


tall_dark_and January 22 2007, 09:27:36 UTC
Two things click in his mind. One - Namine is here. And two - Namine is here... which means that she is seeing him like this.

While he's not processing things very well at the moment, he can still process that. And the fact it's not something he wants to do to her.

"'Mfine," he mumbles. "Take care of m'self."

She has no reason to worry. Really.


naminemory January 22 2007, 09:34:59 UTC
She highly doubts that if she were to leave, he would be able to take care of himself -- but she isn't going to say anything.

While she does draw her hand back, she isn't going to leave him alone. Not for a moment. Instead she looks around the room from where she is for any bandages or things.

"You can admit you're not," she says softly. "I've helped you before." She is, of course, referring to patching him up after a battle. This time, however, may take a lot more than a few bandages.


tall_dark_and January 22 2007, 09:48:36 UTC
Riku struggles to sit up. It's not exactly something he succeeds at with the first try, but he doesn't give up.

"D'nt worry," he says. "M'fine. Take care of mself."

It seems like that might have been something he's already insisted, but he can't quite recollect.


naminemory January 22 2007, 18:09:24 UTC
She bites her bottom lip, watching him try to sit up which appears to be quite the feat for Riku.

Shaking her head, she lets out a sigh. "But you're not fine," she says softly. "Even I can see that."

How could she not worry?

Please, let me help you.


tall_dark_and January 22 2007, 18:25:56 UTC
Riku shakes his head, and tries uselessly to pull at the blade in his shoulder. But it hurts far too much for him at the moment, and he lets his hand fall down. His eyes close for a long moment, before he glances up.

".....Namine?" he asks, as if she hadn't been in here before, as if he hadn't spoken to her at all yet.


naminemory January 23 2007, 00:48:40 UTC
"I'm here," she says again, patiently, reaching out to grab his hand so that he knows this.

She doesn't know what to do, or how to help him...she just knows she wants to. Her eyes go to his shoulder, noticing the silver glint and redness of partly dried blood once more.


tall_dark_and January 23 2007, 03:38:41 UTC
Riku holds her hand loosely, his eyes narrowing for a moment. It's obvious there's something here that he's not understanding - but what?

"....what's goin' on?" He asks, finally. "I d'n't know why I hurt."


naminemory January 23 2007, 03:52:54 UTC
Her attention is back to Riku's face, to his voice.

"I don't know why either," she says softly. "And I don't know how it happened or when...but...we need to fix you." She doesn't want to let go of his hand, but she has to.

And then she straightens, taking her hand back. "I'm going to help you, Riku," she tells him. The warmth of his hand fades in her own cool one. She starts to walk around the room, looking for the appropriate materials.


tall_dark_and January 23 2007, 04:09:18 UTC
Riku feels around behind him, trying to find purchase on a wall or some other object. But he's not close enough - he has to scoot a bit to find it. He bites down on his lip, as he presses against the wall, using it to help him stand up.

"I c'n do it," he informs her. "D'nt worry 'bout it."


naminemory January 23 2007, 04:28:59 UTC
She stops rummaging through a dusty cupboard then rushes back to Riku, placing a hand on his arm.

"Don't," she says firmly, now. "Don't move. Just stay still for a moment. You'll hurt yourself worse."


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