[004] In which Naminé finds Riku after his encounter with Larxene

Jan 22, 2007 02:45

She can hear several knocks on the door of her room -- calm and indifferent -- before Saïx, the current member of the Organization set to guard her, gets up and paces towards the other end of the room with a smooth and confident stride. Quietly, she lets her pencil rest in her hand, frozen for the briefest moment, while she listens intently. She can't hear anything save for the whispers between Saïx and the one on the other side of the door (currently out of her view), and she doesn't bother to lift her head. It isn't a good idea to show that she is trying to listen in on their conversation. But there does seem to be a sense of harried movement, followed by broken sentences involving 'Xemnas', 'his pet' and 'angry', as Saïx shuts the door with a click behind him without so much as a glance or a word to the blonde-haired girl.

Unexpectedly, Naminé finds that she is alone in the tower-room. She places her sketchbook on the table in front of her, setting her pencil down atop the sketch (Destiny Islands) she'd been working on. She crosses to the door and opens it a crack. The whispers and the words alone are enough to pique her curiousity. While the hall appears to be empty however, she can never be too sure. She waits for a moment longer before stepping out into the hall. Her footsteps, as she walks, are light against the smooth, stone floors as white as her dress and it's cold in the hall with a slight draft breezing past her.

Still, she does not want to return to her room. She wants to know what could have happened to make the Organization leave her quite unattended. But from down the hall and around the sharp corner, she can hear the echo of someone's footsteps and it's the sound of boots -- the typical footwear of the Organization, quite unlike her open-toed sandals -- which makes her freeze for a split second. She has two options: she can either return to her room quickly if she runs (though by now, it will be too late to reach the room in time), or she can use the dark paths to transport her elsewhere.

Swiftly and with slightly shaky hands, she opens a dark portal through the wall to her left and steps through it just before the footsteps grow louder. Once she's on the other side, she lets out a breath of relief and checks to make sure that here -- wherever she landed -- is safe. It is. Except...when she steps out of the portal, her foot reaching the floor, she realizes that she's stepped in something...

Something red. Crimson red, the colour of...blood? And there is a short trail leading into one of the smaller rooms to the side. This is a hallway she's never ventured into before, and the only reason she is here is because she hadn't planned her destination when opening the dark path. Nevertheless, Naminé follows the trail curiously, never thinking that following this trail could be dangerous -- possibly even harmful -- to her. Her only concern is that she wants to know what or who this strange trail leads to...and why, or whether this has anything to do with the whispers.

Tentatively, she reaches for the door handle and pushes it open.

oom, memory, riku

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