[003] In which Riku teaches Naminé to sing (Sound of Music style!)

Jan 15, 2007 22:22

Naminé sits by the window, sketchpad in front of her -- as always, but she isn't drawing this time. The large pad of paper is sitting on her lap, closed and neglected.

Instead, Naminé is staring out of the glass, daydreaming. She's thinking about a certain someone with a rather dreamy look on her face, imagining the feel of a soft, sea-breeze coming through the window as it makes the white curtains ripple like water waves, and his voice gently speaking to her.

It is quiet in the tower -- somehow, it is far more quiet than she's particularly comfortable with, and before her day in Twilight Town, she probably wouldn't have minded. But things are...different, now. She's different. And she wishes she could hear the soft chatter, the tender, sweet melodies of songs she heard while in town as well as the cheerful laughter of people. Here, it is cold and empty, and full of...nothingness, and Naminé realizes that she no longer feels the comfort from it that she used to have.

She longs for so much more. A moment later, she closes her eyes, remembering all those sights, sounds...feelings.

oom, memory, riku

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