30 day anime meme - Day 14

Aug 21, 2010 01:41

Day 14 - current (or most recent) anime wallpaper

Well, not exactly anime... my current wallpaper is Gyokuryu from the otome game/visual novel, S.Y.K ~Shinsetsu Saiyuki~

And yay! I'll be on annual leave for the whole week~ ♥ Finally! A holiday for me! I was supposed to take it this week but then it had to be postponed at the last moment as a colleague had an accident (right before I was due to be on leave...) and hurt her spinal cord and is still in hospital I think. There's was this urgent project that me, her and our supervisor were working on together... so, yeah, I had to postpone my holiday...

And... the washing machine just short circuited! There was a boom and then my computer went off... *sigh* well, it's too late to call anyone to look at it now. Now being one in the morning...

And I love the bishop_lance at the 07-Ghost dressing room so much~ He had such a sweet moment with my AU!Girl!Alive!Lab where he blessed her and wished that this version of his Master Lab would have a long, happy life. It was just so sad and sweet. ;_;

syk shinseteu saiyuki, 30 day anime meme!, 07 ghost, lance x labrador, personal, gyokuryu, work

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