Mar 19, 2012 00:02
Thanks to all who responded to my last post! Sorry for late response I didn't get any notices in my inbox about replies so I thought no one replied... Seemed there are a bit of truisms in all the answers.
This next topic relates to my last post about the purpose of life. For the longest time - as far as I can recall - I've had the feeling that something's missing in my life. Back in NEHS I'd say I had a blast. It was fun hanging out with NEHS peeps - certainly the people I relate the most with from every person/group I've encountered in the past - and as we know hangouts were plenty. After each hangout though, whenever I went home I'd feel like wanting *more* socials, *more* parties. Sure there were times when I wanted a break, but that really didn't last long. I wonder if this is human nature or just me (I'm leaning towards the latter). I remember that no matter how much fun I had with Frank, Rex, or Peter biking, I always felt like there was something missing. I don't know, perhaps that feeling is a purpose, a purpose that's beyond fun or recreation?
Off-tangent, mom's visiting me for 3 weeks here in LA. You guys get the feeling that when you're with your mom or maybe dad that you feel somewhat annoyed? And yet when they leave or you're away from them you suddenly miss him or her?