On the Plurality of Being

Jun 29, 2004 15:31

Don't worry, this entry isn't actually on the plurality of being. I just think thats a really good title for just about anything. I can't recall where exactly it was that I first came across that title, so hold on while I check that out....( i love assuming a sense of chronology in my typing that really only makes sense to me as I type it. to you, the reader, my asking you to "hold on" or anything like that is probably just confusing. I'll pause a while to let that sink in. Okay moving on!) Well, I plugged in the phrase "on the plurality of being" into google and received no results. Does that mean that I invented that phrase? If I did, then I would like to copyright it, so's that I can later write a paper called "On the Plurality of Being" and feel super tight for having written a paper with such a sexy title. I pretty sure I didn't invent it though. I think it came from Parmenides or Plato or something. It sounds like something presocratic. See, ancient philosophers were real damn worried about whether there was one thing or many things. Wait. I just realized that Parmenides was really vehemently against the idea of there being many things, so he couldn't have coined that phrase. maybe it was Empedocles..... Regardless, I think that this is a ridiculous argument. There are OBVIOUSLY many things! I mean, from right here where I'm sitting I could probably count like 12 or 15 things no sweat! Parmenides musta been pretty dumb. He probably couldn't see though, which would have made it more difficult to see that there are TONS of things all OVER the place. Keep in mind that Parmenides was writing ancient Greece, and everyone knows humans didn't evolve eyeballs until 1987.

By the way, I'm getting paid to type this. I finally managed to get my journal syndicated by the good folks down at Big Company, Inc. So now I get ten thousand dollars money for every entry! well, that isn't true, but I am getting paid for this. Ya sees, I'm at work right now, I'm in the basement imaging computers. Imaging is really easy. You just click a few thingies and then watch a little blue bar creep across the screen for about an hour. By an hour, I mean $7.15 in my pocket. Thats the minimum wage in Oregon! Which is fair-fucking-ly ridiculous. I think min wage in Tennessee is like $5.13. Yet another reason for me not to return to the good ol' TN-spot. That and pot. oh my god damn do they have good weed here! Yesterday, a friend of mine was supposed to get me a bag, which was a task she had failed in several times in the past. She walked into my house, and immediately i knew she had a bag on her. How did I know, you ask? I COULD SMELL IT!! thats right, in a ziploc bag in her pocket across the room and I could fucking SMELL it! Wonderful! I had a good time last night. Almost as good a time as I'm gonna have tonight. life is good.

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