On the the just and unjust…yeah?

Apr 29, 2023 11:54

Why is life so often reasonless? When we went to Calvary, looking for reason made for such horrible assumptions. Bad things must be a result of sin. Mental illness must be demons. Misfortunes must mean disobedience. Debilitating sicknesses were obviously a judgment. Even if a person’s life reflected no reason for god’s wrath and in rare occasion that someone in the elite circles were the afflicted while remaining in favor and were publicly defended, the whispers were there. What did they do? Wonder why god’s judging them? Wonder if they’ll “get right” now?

I’m not an atheist. I won’t even say I don’t believe God in a capital G persuasion. But in my (probably jaded) opinion, the just God full of love and great intentions that church swore was there isn’t as feasible in my experience. Nature makes more sense. Even magic makes more sense. A belief in the power of intentions doesn’t seem far from a culture of thoughts and prayers, but I don’t use my intent to make a show of how much I am part of any solution to make me feel better about others’ suffering.
And don’t get me wrong, it’s in the best part of our nature as people to want to “do something” when things go bad, right? But it’s almost like we’ve perverted the good intent of prayer by using that as a phrase we say so we can dust our hands of bad situations then sleep well feeling we contributed.

All of this said…a close friend who I love very much needs thoughts, prayers, and good intentions as life continues to dump horrors on not just good but wonderful people who don’t deserve it at all. Because right now it is all my helpless self can do - complain about injustice of the universe and have good intent for him.
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