Jan 08, 2010 20:35
...Weird, this is like the second ex that has like hopped into getting married after we split. They end up with these notions of marriage drilled into their head... But really I'm not surprised with Richard. He's apparently marring the girl so that she can keep her kid? Due to some asshattery with her ex? Something like that. I have no idea. I'm not even sure how to process this. The phone was running out of minutes so that I had to get off the phone before I had the whole picture and Richards conversations are kinda disjointed anyway. Apparently he quit drinking like sometime last month, I dunno how long that will last. >_> He's only had one date so far with the girl... God, it's not like he has any money or anything to take but I sure as fuck hope he signs a prenump, or that she signs one, this is Richard after all, I still love him but I have my doubts about him still.