Feb 17, 2012 15:58
I feel really sad. I don't know why.
Also last night I told Paul that I felt depressed for no reason to which he responded "so, get over yourself". He meant to be joking, I think he seriously underestimated how depressed I was feeling because it took me a while to get it across to him that that had hurt a lot. It really did.
I feel all unmotivated too, which is fairly normal. I mean I want to do stuff, get stuff done but I just feel all .....ehhhhhhhhh.
Also, I figured out that the best course of action regarding my mass of clothes would be to take a picture of each clothing item that is packed away and to tape the compilation to the side of the box. Then I know what is in the fucking box so I don't have to dig all through the thing looking for an item that isn't in there. Also to remind myself with a simple glance that while I don't want to get rid of those items, currently they are not a style I want to wear. Then I can stop with the strange vague labels that I normally marker to the side of the box which is "winter clothes\don't wear much". My OCD can you see it? This is why I get overwhelmed when I try to straiten up. Stuff has all the qualities of more then one category and I'm at a loss as to what to do with it.