(no subject)

Apr 16, 2006 22:04

today at work was so incredibly irritating. i can't deal with people and their stupidity. i was a righteous asshole cos thats the way i was born. everyone near and dear to me knows that. my manager left me fucked with an incompetent gay man and no nickels or bags....and that was my easter basket.

eh its over now. i just want to get in the shower and let warm water cascade down my shoulders. i just finished playing some zelda:minish cap on my sweet lil' nintendo DS. thank you bruno. you'd think that you were nintendo's biggest fan with all the cool nintendo products you give me. heh. i love it though. you and me are gonna totally kick some ass in the real zelda this week ...hopefully.

someone buy me the wild boys and wondershowzen box sets. im sick and need to watch them all the time. i realized im so weird when it comes to money...at times i can be completely careless and other times im extremely frugal. like right now i gotta pay a bill to some credit company so i want to spend nothing at all....other times im dropping hundreds on any clothing i want, regardless of rediculous prices. i guess i'm in save mode at the time being for me and bruno's trip to vegas. my goal is to have 1,000 before we go. that way my mom doesn't have to pay for any of our meals and it also will leave me with money for things to do and shit i wanna buy. don't even ask....you know i'm gonna check out all the vegas CVS locations! sike that was just a sick joke.

happy easter guys....go eat a chimichanga. yum.
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