Title: cursing in the dark
'Verse/characters: Trickwood Unification; Hernén, Belladonna
Prompt: 34D "moon"
Word Count: 1257
Notes: This . . could be continued, but I ran out of hand points. My guess on timing is after Fintain's been to the Trickwood, but before Arianhrod is invited to visit.
His warning was a growl and a sneeze from the two wolves on either side of him. )
They are probably fortunate they aren't on a world where the moon affects shapeshifters. Wouldn't that be a dreadful surprise?
And the home cities/territory that includes the Trickwood don't yet have an official name. Because they're like that. =|
. . . *gives Wish a VERY STERN LOOK*
This is why Urban Fantasy is better because you can just play "Spin the globe" and pick a city name! (personal names are the bane of my existence)
Personal names are EASY--just find a rough idea of nationality/right sorts of mouth-sounds and there's websites everywhere. It's city names that are a pain in my ass. *grumps*
Er, except when he's saying "you really shouldn't do that" at which point running away from whatever you're doing is the best choice.
*pats* Well, Paris is always a popular name. I know of three cities with it!
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