Oct 29, 2010 14:31
We are out of the woods-still standing at the edge of the meadow- But we can pay rent!!! Hurrahs!
We are sooo lucky that Rhonda was able and willing to lend a hand. The holidays are going to be tight, because we are paying her back ASAP, but still do-able. I am handpainting "prints" onto artboards for all my family. And I'm making some for our house too. They are just vintage inspired sayings donein fun colours to add a bit of POP to your walls. I've seen these at gift stores a lot so I guess it's a trendy look. At least I always say that I would hang them on MY wall...so, hopefully ppl wil like them.
The one I'm making for my grandma is If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
There's also stuff like When life gives you lemons make lemonade harhar.
The one I'm painting for Harlen to hang in our house When life gives you lemons you paint that shit gold
It's the title of an Atmosphere album, we just thought that was a fun new spin on that saying. It's was kind of our mantra to get through this week.
He actually thanked (THANKED) me for keeping him together through this bit of stress.... Dawwww.