
Mar 02, 2010 19:12

Ugh.. so many things happened over the last week:

-I just moved my mom out of her old place. It took us days to do it but it finally got done. The place is much nicer than her old apartment and almost feels like a hotel. The cat doesn't like it, but we are working on that. No wireless, but I can go downstairs for it so its not a big deal (Hopefully won't be here longer than a week anyways). It even has a little shopping mart inside the building that is decently priced so my mom can get milk or cat stuff without leaving the area. Sweet.

-Going to interview for my Visa on Thursday for Korean job in Seattle. Will leave tomorrow and come back sometime Thursday. Than I go to party at Heather's place, die for a day and then come back to life and hopefully leave next week. I really want to get my new life started, ugh, this is so fucking annoying.

-Also went to Heather's "Got a new job!" event Saturday. Same crew as usual (with Rachel this time). Notable because I actually saw Dani for the first time in like.... 3-4 years I think.

-Saw Avatar finally... in 3D! I actually liked it, partially because my expectations were lowered by most of my friends hating on it. The whole "Its a Pocahantas ripoff" issue didn't bug me that much, since its a fairly old story cliche in itself. I always look for a movie that does something with the plot, not hoping it will be 100% original. Its also nice to see a 3D movie that is actually worth the experience and not just gimmicky crap (My favorite 3d shot? The opening scene with all the tubes and people coming out of sleep).

-Also, I am going to kill one kitten and/or puppy for every vote that goes for Squall in this current round of the gamefaqs character battle. Emo Squall defeating technicolored hair Terra is a disgrace to the Final Fantasy fandom and any RPG player should vote for Terra. I am dead serious.



-Not only can I now VIEW things on my computer, I can now play newer games (YES I CAN PLAY l4D2 FINALLY) AND it has a BLUE RAY PLAYER. I thank my aunt for buying it, it makes me want to cry. I would make love to it if wasn't a sin on God's green earth and I'd probably fuck up a port really bad. Jesus is it sexy.

-.. am I committing a sin by petting it lovingly?
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