So I have a job..

Feb 18, 2010 16:58

... yeah, now I just wait for my visa and GTFO and become a productive member of society.

Other random notes:

-Tanzania was fun. Had a few bug bites and miraculously avoided any sunburns. My biggest annoyance was that it was a trip made for rich white old people which I am clearly not a part of. These people annoyed the shit out of me as they acted like they knew alot about Tanzanian life after being there for a week in these lodges that were hours away from where Tanzanians normally live. I particularly loved how they raved about how great Tanzanian cuisine is and how healthy it is which made me laugh on the inside. I'm no expert on Tanzanian food, but I am pretty sure they don't eat Fillet Mignon (Sorry Lindsey). I am also pretty sure Masala food comes from South Asia, not Africa. And I am 100% sure that they don't eat using all the eating utensils that we have and have separate plates for each person. They did drink the local macro beer (Which is terrible just FYI) so I guess that's ok.

-Went to Borders today to look around. They had a little display called the "Teen Scene" which just showed random manga titles. Not only do I find this a bit insulting to manga readers like me (Manga isn't just for teens) they put Berserk on that display. I should note that Berserk is generally sold in shrink wrap, with an explicit content sticker and the back states that it is for 18 and over. Another reason why Powells will always be heaven to me.

-I also picked up the entire anime series of Fate stay night today. I've actually played the original game (The pornographic one, though it is probably the oddest hentai game I have ever seen) and always wanted to try out the anime since I got tired of fast forwarding through the action scenes in the game. The concept of the series is pretty cool, the characters are not annoying and its nice to see an anime that doesn't oversexualize its female cast or practice misogyny (Though I've been told the sequel did that. Another reason why non-superhero movie sequels are almost always a bad idea).

-OMFGWTFBBQPIE THERE IS A $100+ GIFT SET OF THE ENTIRE G1 TRANSFORMERS. 32589YSDFHAKJDFSFK DO WANT. Too bad I got other things to take care of.. like getting a laptop that isn't a piece of shit so I can play L4D2 instead of having it waste away on my steam account like a forgotten bastard stepchild that you lock in the attic and hope never tries to kill his twin brother in a fit of insanity.

-I have a Ma language Bible and a Bible in the Iraqw (Not Iraqi) language. Why? Because I bet I am the only person in the Vancouver area that has them. I am awesome.
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