Well hello, Earth...

Jul 04, 2009 02:53

been a while, yeah? So what's new magoo? Ah, not much really. Just sitting around, same-o same-o...

finally got the LOJ costume done... elaborate is a good descriptor.

4th of july again will be spent in S.C. watching the fireworks at my aunt's house. Good time assured indeed.

LOJ is next weekend and I am nervous about the costume staying together... I mean, I expect mishaps of course... there's no way this costume will go through the whole night without being a royal pain in my arse at some time and may possibly just fall apart. Let's just say, I'm expecting the worst and hoping for the best. *le sigh*

Things are okay... okay, things are actually pretty good. Married life with my love is nice though I'm still adjusting to being someone's wife. I'm also kicking royal bukkake at work and not stopping to take names. This is slightly disconserting as it makes me stand out as someone who can actually do something... I'm not sure that I want that title. heh. being someone who can just do the job well enough not to get fired is pretty good by me but unfortunately, I think I've gone up an above the radar and am now effectively screwed. I've put in so much organization last week at work it isn't even funny, my co-workers have their jaw all agape and my VP is loving me on this shift and asked some pointed questions about my willingness to take work home and made comments about how I'm probably way over qualified for my position.. umm yeah. duh. of course I am, but I chose this path for a reason... I'm tired of guillotines, they give me headaches. I've no interest in ruling when my words are meaningless...
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