Bed = good.

Mar 05, 2008 08:25

Not a great deal's been happening since the last post, but I thought - what the hell, I have a few spare minutes, so time to make use of LJ!

I'm *still* feeling ill, which is just not fun anymore. I mean, not that it was fun to begin with, but ... ah, you get the idea! One solid week of coughing, sneezing, being unable to breathe well, headaches and (just for the Pièce de résistance) a slightly infected eye making me resemble ... well, swamp thing, if I'm honest. Not my finest week. The only good thing about being ill, I always say, is that it makes you appreciate being healthy - and I'm certainly going to do that when I shake this off. There's only so many days of lying down that I can do before the novelty really wears thin. y'know?

So far I've heard little back from the people trialling the PoD system, but I'm not too concerned; I'll drop them a line tomorrow and check everything is OK, other than that it's up to them if they're enjoying it or not. And it's really for the best they *haven't* contacted me as I wouldn't have even been able to answer the phone anyway!

Well, this is over and out for me for the day - bed, here I come (again!)
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