Haven't done much today. My last-period class got cancelled, so I skipped country & western dance and went to Walgreens instead to replace my headphones. XDDD
Then I came back to campus and organised my icon collection even further. Heh. I'm, like, obsessed with it. I now have approximately 1,220 icons in my collection. And they all just sit there. I love it. You'd think I'd switch them out more often, but I don't. XDD
Actually, I'm considering reorganising them - again - so that I actually have them organised by two different categories: fandoms, as they are now, and 'emotions' - e.g., all the "wtf?" icons are together, all the "omg yey" icons are together, etc. Because that's how I choose the icons I have on LJ - by 'emotion,' so that I can match my icon to my entry, or at least attempt to.
Of course this whole process would take, like, several hours, so if I ever actually do that it's a project for the weekend/sometime I feel like procrastinating for a while. XDD
In other news...someone posted
this article on
hdarkmaterials. It's really fascinating, or at least I think it is. It talks about how scientists are now pretty much positive that dark matter exists, and that as a result of some recent discoveries they've made, they're now saying that the Milky Way galaxy is bigger than Andromeda (before, it was the other way around). Also, there's a lot more of this stuff than previously thought. Hmmm.
I may go lay out again, in the quad. It's flipping gorgeous out. It's February and it's probably, like, in the seventies. I LOVE TEXAS.
On a completely unrelated note, why does the D/G FST hate me? It keeps going PHBBBT and, like, switching files around all by itself, or something. Very bizarre. I dunno.
Hmm. I think that's about all that's going on.
I seriously need to do my schoolwork. I have a bunch of stuff I have to do to be ready for tomorrow/Wednesday. Blaaargh.