's nothing to do.
I spent several hours today doing laundry. That was so much fun.
There's nothing good on TV... DDDD:
My spray bottle fell off of the ironing board and broke. Now the carpet smells like orange.
I'm actually fully caught up on my flist and my webcomics. Now I don't know what to do with myself.
Molly is at a Gamma first round event. Until nine.
r_enoah keeps saying creepy things on MSN. It always startles me because I don't expect my computer to make noise and then it does.
Hemingway is boring as hell.
I seriously do not know what to do with myself u__u
Hell, I'd take one of those four-hundred-question quizzes if it would give me something to do.
I have ideas for fics...but none of them want to be written right now. This is very frustrating.
Amazing how long a post I can make about absolutely nothing at all.