malemiko (9:37:52 AM): ... omg okay so
malemiko (9:37:57 AM): after this woman gets shot and dies, right.
malemiko (9:38:06 AM): She moves over to a corner of the stage and she says this:
malemiko (9:39:08 AM): "I'm killed instantly. Little blazing lead meteors enter my body. My blood cells ride those bullets into outer space. My soul surges up the oceans of the Milky Way at the speed of light. At the moment of death, I see the invisible war."
malka2009 (9:39:15 AM): ...
malka2009 (9:39:20 AM): oh my god
malka2009 (9:39:23 AM): that is so bad
malka2009 (9:39:26 AM): like, not so bad it's good
malemiko (9:39:26 AM): a4idnmadnjghhagj;wkr
malka2009 (9:39:29 AM): just bad
malemiko (9:39:36 AM): it's pretentious as hell is what it is
malka2009 (9:39:42 AM): wait she says this out loud??
malemiko (9:39:44 AM): Yes.
malka2009 (9:39:46 AM): like a soliloquy?
malka2009 (9:39:48 AM): oh my god
malemiko (9:39:51 AM): Yes.
malka2009 (9:39:52 AM): refuse to do this shit man
malemiko (9:40:04 AM): ahhhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkk I am not going to have time to go in to the costume shop today
malemiko (9:40:07 AM): LOL I can't do that
malka2009 (9:40:12 AM): ): ugh
malka2009 (9:40:13 AM): so bad
malka2009 (9:40:18 AM): what a prententious fuck
malka2009 (9:40:27 AM): I mean I thought my writing was pretentious but that?
malka2009 (9:40:32 AM): that's just beyond the pale
malemiko (9:40:40 AM): I can't refuse to do an assignment on the premise that a playwright is a pretentious fuck
malemiko (9:40:41 AM): I WISH I COULD
malka2009 (9:40:52 AM): at least I don't force my classmates to act out my horrible fucking writing XD
malka2009 (9:40:59 AM): I mean I don't inflict it on dozens of people
malka2009 (9:41:03 AM): omg
malemiko (9:41:09 AM): No this is a real play hon.
malka2009 (9:41:11 AM): who the fuck does this guy think he is
malka2009 (9:41:12 AM): ...
malka2009 (9:41:15 AM): oh my god.
malemiko (9:41:19 AM): hannnggg on
malka2009 (9:41:26 AM): this shit got published? ):
malemiko (9:41:28 AM): (9:41:28 AM): ewwwwwwww
malka2009 (9:41:52 AM): oh he's Latin American
malka2009 (9:41:54 AM): that makes sense
malemiko (9:41:56 AM): HAHA
malka2009 (9:42:03 AM): I mean he's obviously a total Marquez wannabe
malka2009 (9:42:28 AM): I didn't mean that like "lol he is Latino isn't that hilarious??" but it's obvious that he was influenced by GOOD writers in his culture like Marquez and Allende
malka2009 (9:43:06 AM): from his Wikipedia page:
malka2009 (9:43:09 AM): "However, he was profoundly influenced later by a Latin American novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude by 1982 Nobel Prize winner Gabriel García Márquez. Márquez later became his mentor at the Sundance Institute."
malemiko (9:43:16 AM): LOL WOW YOU CALLED THAT ONE
malka2009 (9:43:28 AM): dude I think that this is worthy of an entry in your LJ XD
malka2009 (9:43:29 AM): amirite
malka2009 (9:43:31 AM): it's been too long
malemiko (9:43:33 AM): areiouyoerigj;lkn so.
malemiko (9:43:34 AM): retarded.
malka2009 (9:43:38 AM): *bows*
In other news, finally saw Merlin 2x02, had a fangirly fit.
buhhh so dead okay here's my schedule for this week:
• finish act 2 scene analysis
• take sewing machine to repair shop
• study for archaeology test
• 3:30 - archaeology test
• 6-9 - stage management
• prepare for lighting review
• 9:30-4:50 - class
• 5-godknowswhen - 1st dress rehearsal
• do pre-lab for archaeology
• 11:15 - Dr. Black
• 1-4:50 - class
• 5-godknowswhen - 2nd dress rehearsal
• 9:30-4:50 - class (including lighting test)
• ?? - call for opening night of show, curtain at 8
• Shopping trip to Joann's
• Grocery shopping??
• ?? - call for 2nd show, curtain at 8
• Morning - drive to Plano to meet Tina & other bridesmaids (?)
• ?? - call for 3rd show, curtain at 8
oh god just shoot me now
Also: we got our roles for the shadowcast yesterday. I'm the victim at the beginning, a mourner, a Z-addict in Zydrate Anatomy, a GENtern in three or four different numbers, and Marni. Which means I have like six or seven costume changes.
BY THE WAY - REPO FANS - Amber Does Dallas has its premiere show Sunday, November 8th at 10:00 at the Lakewood Theater, followed by an afterparty at The Church hosted by DJ Joe Virus! COME PARTY WITH US! Tickets are $10 if you're over 21 and $15 under 21. I have no idea what the cover charge at The Church is.
I know this entry is super long, I'm sorry ):
edit: Some links for your amusement, dear flist.
Nazi Leprechauns 11 Most Unnecessary 'How To' Guides on the Web