I Role Play ★
Do you? 」
As of about 10:00 this morning I have the following things in my system to control my sinusitis/bronchitis:
- the LUPIN LUPIN pills
- two Mucinex D
- Zyrtec
- 800mg of ibuprofen
Yay for being over-medicated! At least I don't feel like I'm going to die anymore...
Planning to work a bit more on our weapons today. Well, mine that is. I'm almost done with the mockup of the sword, I think; I'm going to put a couple more layers of gesso on it and then start sanding, and then I can paint it and we'll see how that goes. I also need to build my belt buckle, because if the Sculpey bakes up hard enough I can just use that to support the sword and the straps and everything.
Double-posting 'cause I want the other one to just be that awesome poem.
edit: adding a list of stuff I need to get done before Saturday night.
- call Garland Summer Musicals and schedule my audition
- read chapter 7 of my cultural studies textbook
- write & email in response essay on chapter 7
- start on Small Project #4 for government
- get my damn room cleaned up, already
- work on the sword mockup
- work on Squalo's belt buckle
- get my calendar up-to-date for school
- pay the $50 on my credit card I owe from the overdraft, figure out how much money I need to pull out for Akon, and withdraw it
- fill out the Earthbound application to take in Monday
- wrap Rusty's birthday present
Okay, better.