Brandy is awesome.

Feb 24, 2011 20:48

I posted on FB the other day about how I went into the skateshop to try on skates. I have been saving for a while, and saved/budgeted about $400 to upgrade to better quality derby skates. I tried on a new brand, Antiks
and fell in love with the way they felt before asking what they run. Turns out, they run $600. I am getting a decent tax return, but I was planning on spending $400, not $600. My current budget allows for Reidell Wickeds
Still a very good skate, but nowhere as fabulous as the Antiks. The antiks feel like a well fitted comfy shoe that happens to have wheels on it. And are apparently manufactured by Reidell although not marketed as such.
Anyway, I whined on Fb about falling in love with skates that cost more than I planned to spend, but was totally in love with. Them my friend Brandy, who many of you know, posts that she is chipping in $5.68 for them, what she found in her purse, followed by this:
A fund for folks to chip in and help me get the skates I am in love with. I am totally blown away by her generosity and skate enabling. Even if no one chips in, the fact that she set up a fund for folks to contribute is incredibly sweet.
<3 <3 <3
update: someone totally donated. Thank you thank you thank you Mel! You rock!
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