24_centuries, I got your comment to last entry. At least... I have it in e-mail. I tried to respond to it, but LJ just kinda went, "YahbutNO-- That comment does not exist to meeeeeEEE."
Yeah. That's what I thought. Fear not, however, because:
...There's always PDA. =D
THANK YOU. And you should promptly send in pr0n
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You're a danger to society! Or -- just me, for now =) First you, then the Monaboyd community, then THE WORLD. Or. Y'know. Just you and my cat. ...As I clutch and crush things in unbridled moments of overzealous glee. XD
How are we supposed to live on 50 icons?!? It's unjust, I say! UNJUST! Plagues on their servers! PLAGUES! OrnotreallyjustmorespacepleasecuzINEEDFICS.
Ah. Icons. They're like crack. Only more square! =D!
*waves fist enthusiastically if vaguely* *ROFL* That made me laugh so hard =D I've got the gusto! I just need direction!! XD!! ...As I flail and break things. XD
*ATTACKLEGLOMPS* =D =D =D GRRAWWWHRGGRhrhrrrrrgggeeehhhfff.... *twitchdead* ...That sort of reminds me of Operation Glomp Billy During Japan Promo. !!! I so need an icon of that! =o! And some good text for it, too! Wow, I wish I weren't braindead right about now. (Originally, I typed "breaddead." -_-)
I really don't have much of a plan of action either -- just like to bitch and whine and moan. That's pretty much my course of action on everything =D *griggles!* It doesn't usually work, but it makes us FEEL better. =D
Ritz crackers, hell! *still isn't over the association of "Billy spreads easy-- like Cheez Whiz"* Ah, Monaboyd luv. Cheesy, fattening, and prone to leaving crumbs in the bedsheets. *content sigh*
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