24_centuries, I got your comment to last entry. At least... I have it in e-mail. I tried to respond to it, but LJ just kinda went, "YahbutNO-- That comment does not exist to meeeeeEEE."
Yeah. That's what I thought. Fear not, however, because:
...There's always PDA. =D
THANK YOU. And you should promptly send in pr0n request! (Not that you'll get a prompt response, but I shall battle my innate lazy-hOr-ness because you. deserve. better. pr0n. Lots and lots. of. pr0n. XD)
Wif my new icon space (*pause to SQUEEEEEE and clutch your skull!!*) I have created above icon in honor of LJ. =D
I've only made two new icons so far (Awww, what a little loser. XD) but am scanning my videos for good Monaboyd action just waiting to be icon-a-sized. They will immediately be yours for the stealing borrowing. >:D
I'm so aboard the 'LJ must give MORE icon space, precious, MOORREE' bandwagon! I just... don't know how to go about it, yet. *waves fist enthusiastically if vaguely* XD