Now, as a centaur...

Aug 17, 2009 08:49

I know I never update anymore, but I don't want to put all of my personal stuff in my teaching blog. On the other hand, nobody reads this anymore. On the third hand (I guess that would be my foot?) nobody reads my other blog anyway. So! Here I go:

Summer school is over. Thank God. Everyone kept saying "oh it's not so bad, it goes by fast, it's a lot more laid back..." and I guess in retrospect it did go by fast and I didn't have an observation and we did get away with showing a couple of movies on some days, but it really was not a good time, and I don't think I'll do it again next summer unless I really want the money, which is very good.

Speaking of money, though, I think I'm really uptight about it. I made a pretty good chunk this summer and am allowing myself to get a second tattoo and go on a short, inexpensive vacation, but other than that, the money is sitting in my Chase savings account where, as I just found out today, it accrues the rather worthless interest rate of 0.01%. So it's off to the credit union I go, to put most of my money back there. Stupid JP Morgan. In other financial news, I have to buy a new phone because mine got dropped into the Great South Bay, and it's not going to be cheap because Sprint sucks. I got pretty annoyed about it, but it's not that much money in the grand scheme of things, and I really do have a good amount of money to spare. I just can't really get my head around spending a lot of money on things that to me, are extravagant and not really useful, like a Blackberry or iPhone. Am I being too uptight? I'm always worrying that I'm not going to have enough money to pay the bills or do the things I want, but I always do have enough. Plus, I owe less money in loans than a lot of people my age. I know it's good to be frugal, but how useful is it to freak out over a couple hundred bucks? I guess I'm just not used to being "middle class" yet.

On a happier note, yesterday, despite the phone drop incident, was one of the best days I've had all summer. It started when Willie called me at 8:30, saying that Jon was coming in a half hour and that we should go to the diner before we headed out to the beach. We did, and lots of eggs and potatoes were consumed. Then we gallivanted around Sayville for a little while, waiting for Derek to call us, and headed over to the Michel residence, where we were joined shortly thereafter by Sean. The five of us got in the boat and we were on our way. Only...wait, what's that floating in the water? We turned back and picked up a cooler which was full of coronas, baywater and ice, and a very water-logged roast beef sandwich. We tossed out the sandwich (but not before Derek "sampled" some of it, yuck) but about 7 of the beers were still drinkable, so we drank them while we found a good area to anchor for clamming. Willie and Sean had lots of success, and when they filled their bucket, we were off to Sailor's Haven for a few hours of relaxing in the sun and swimming. When we got hungry, we headed back to the Michel residence, where we decided to make linguine with white clam sauce, which with all of the culinary talent present combined, was CRAZY delicious. It was a perfect day, and today looks like the weather will be nice as well. Hooray for vacation!
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