Mar 24, 2009 01:45
So I just finished the master cleanse! Pretty much the most intense thing I've done in my life. Here's my blog entries from another site. I've lost 8 pounds, my skin looks completely revitalized, and have an awesome sense of empowerment.
Detox and Eliminate:2/25/09
Well, I've decided to join the bandwagon and do the master cleanse. This is something I've been considering for over a year now, and finally I think I'm ready.
A few reasons why I haven't wanted to even try it...
1. The drink tastes like piss. I don't care how many people say they get used to it, I think it's fucking disgusting.
2. I don't want Gregg to break up with me. I have a feeling I'll be a tightly wound, emotional handful during the process. I felt like it was selfish to put him through that just for my own benefit.
3. If it interferes with my job, it's not doable. I have to be on point with piercings, and even just my attitude. If I'm in a pissy mood, I'll definitely make myself and the store way less money than normal. No bueno.
What I think I can do to make it work...
1. I'm going to try freshly squeezed sugar cane juice in place of the maple syrup. There is a place in Long Beach that I can find it, and although I've never tried it, am pretty damn confident that it will taste worlds better than syrup. I'm not the biggest fan of maple syrup in the first place, and that flavor is what killed it for me when I tasted a friends master cleanse drink.
2. After much discussion Gregg has promised to be supportive and forgiving throughout the process. Also, I plan to modify it and only go for 7 days, rather than the suggested 10-12. I've been a very health conscious vegetarian for the past 5 years. The only meat I've had is a small amount of fish once in a great while. Therefor, I feel like I don't have as much crap to clean out as the average person does. One week is an easier goal for me.
3. I will be drinking minimal orange juice during the cleanse. I may not get the fullest effect, but if I'm at work and start to feel week or agitated I know OJ will do the trick.
The hardest part I foresee is smoking cigarettes. I LOVE smoking. Call me stupid, but I don't plan on quitting. I'm sure I'll cut down immensely while cleansing, as I don't think I'll have the cravings or even be able to handle the buzz. I also plan to continue smoking marijuana while cleansing, but most likely only at night to help me sleep, which is usually when I smoke anyway.
I'm so excited!! I'm not going to start until the second week of March since I have friends in town starting tomorrow until then. I've watched Tara and Ruben cleanse twice now and have been so impressed by the results. I feel like it's the perfect way to get rid of my love handles. I'm doing yoga nearly every day now, so everything is toning up, but I still have these little pouches of fat on my sides. TONS of routine cardio would probably kill it, but pretty much the only cardio exercise I enjoy is fucking. :)
I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wish I had a partner to do the cleanse with. If anyone on here is considering it, I'd love to do it at the same time. :)
I dream of master cleanser:3/4/09
So I've been doing hours of research on the master cleanse. Basically reading success and fail stories and just about anything I can find. This means a lot to me and I'll do everything I can to make it work. I accidentally stumbled upon pictures of poo while was nearly enough for me to reject the entire idea. SO GROSS. Also, if I'm going to go the sugar cane juice route, I'll have to get it fresh every morning, since it goes bad over the course of one day. There's not a whole lot of people online that have used the SCJ over maple syrup, but mostly because it's not readily available in much of the U.S. What I have found, says it is the best substitute for syrup, but it also replaces the water in the drink.
My best friend Andy is here visiting, and has decided to join me in the cleanse. I wanted to start on March 9th, right after he leaves, but now I'm unfortunately going to push it back another week, just so he has some downtime after the trip back to Michigan. Estimated start date: March 15, 2009!! Also, I don't want to be too picky about eating while he is here, as there are so many great food joints I want to take him to. The week before the cleanse I plan to buy a juicer and drink as much organic fresh juice as possible. Also, I want to try to eat tons of raw veggies too. I want this process to be as smooth and enjoyable as possible, for myself, and also so I'm not a huge irritated bitch to everyone around me.
The more I've been reading about the benefits of the cleanse the more excited I get! I dreamed about it last night and woke up thinking about it first thing. I tend to get a bit obsessive about things I'm interested in. :) I can't wait for the mental clarity, boost of energy, heightened sex drive, and just the idea of giving my body a tune-up. Supposedly every cell in your body will be rejuvenated. More elasticity, brighter skin, less allergies...I can't wait!!!
Again anyone that wants to join, let me know! We can discuss our desperate hunger and frightening poops. ;)
I'm hungry. I want a bagel with fruit, hummus and pita, cinnamon life cereal with vanilla soy milk, banana bread...mmmm. Today has been pretty easy so far. Yes, I want food, but I know that I absolutely cannot and will not eat it, so my understand is making the cravings easier. I did surprisingly well with the internal salt water bath this morning. I downed the entire mixture in about three minutes. I honestly somewhat like the taste of saltwater, so it wasn't too bad. I felt like shit for about a half hour afterwards...but I never eliminated. I was so pissed! I waited around in my bath robe with no pants on just in case I was suddenly struck with an uncontrollable urge...and it never came. The juice combo isn't as horrible as I remember, as I ended up going with the stupid maple syrup, simply out of convenience. The cayenne pepper is my favorite part. I mixed it a little extra spicy.
I feel very energetic and after chugging some juice, not hungry at all. I can't wait for this week to be over.
The night is coming to a close and I couldn't be happier. I've got yoga with Tara in about fifteen minutes and then I'm hoping to just pass out. The hardest part is the mental craving. I no longer feel hungry, I just want food. Probably because I know I can't have it. This is going to be a very long week, but I just keep reminding myself that food will still be here next week. Time will fly by as per usual. Sort of like waiting for Friday's big paycheck. I'll get through this. I'm so glad Jnet is doing the cleanse also! It really helps knowing I can send her a text when I start freaking out about food.
I must say yoga is just magic! About 3/4 way through my routine everything melted away and I saw things clearly. Yoga flew by so fast and it just made me realize how fast this week will be gone. Seriously, if you have any issue in your life, and have a big living room with hard wood floors...light a few candles, burn sage, crank up the heat, put on portishead radio (or whatever chill music you want) and do some yoga with a friend. It brings me such wonderful peace.
Feeling pretty good today. If your grossed out easily, don't read this post. :)
I took Jason's advice and upped the salt water to ensure elimination this morning. Well, I may have gone a bit overboard and drank twice as much solution as recommended...and eliminated for about two hours. Pissing out of your ass is a very strange sensation. The first elimination had a little bit of stuff in it, but otherwise it was just yellow orangy liquid. Lots of it. It wasn't as uncontrollable as I had imagined, but sometimes when just sitting, looking at a magazine all the sudden it's like your ass is a sprayer on a faucet that just turned on. My butt is sore.
I was just looking out the window envying the pigeons eating garbage off the sidewalk.
Work was pretty awesome. I felt very focused, happy, energetic, and seemed to crack some unusually great jokes today. Did a really awesome PA and sold a ton of jewelry. One piercing unfortunately came out a bit off. :( It was extremely slight and not a big deal, but sucks for sure. Fuckin nostril!
I'd love to eat. Really just because it would be so fun! I just miss doing it! And that is part of the reason I'm going through this conditioning process.
On an unfortunate note, smoking cigarettes does not make me feel sick or gross in any way. Yup, still definitely enjoy em. BUT I have switched to american spirit lights. AND only smoked 3 cigarettes today with no irritable side affects. Compared to me craving a good 13-17 cigarettes a day, I'm pretty happy with day 2.
Now to treat myself to some tea.
Wow! I somehow had the energy to ride my bike to Somatic and back to get the catalogs and price sheets and did my first ever jewelry order for the store all by myself! Only took about 3 1/2 hours to make sure it's within budget. I'm lovin all this energy!
Feeling great today! I wish delicious unhealthy food didn't even exist. It would be so much easier if the only thing available was good for you.
I'm so happy to have completed day three already. Pretty soon this will all be behind me and I can just move forward with living healthier. I can't believe how positive I've managed to stay so far. I haven't felt bitchy or irritable at all. Whiny, sure. The first night of pre-cleansing with fruit I had a really horrible headache, but other than that it hasn't been a problem. Also, I haven't felt sick or nauseated at all. I really don't know how beneficial the salt flush has been for me. It all just seems to go right through without picking up anything else. I've been drinking the suggested amount of juice, so it should be loosening up all the crap...?
Gregg is amazing and is making me tea right now.
Day four here I come!
Bored to death at work, usually I fix it with snacks from the coffee house. I just want to eat to fill an indescribable void. Although I've felt great this week, I've also felt just a tad, off. no shit, right? Eating makes me feel normal and I miss that. I'm still not hungry, I just want to chew, to swallow, to feel that wonderful warm full feeling. It's pretty gross that I love feeling overly full. Borderline stomach ache full. It brings me disturbing satisfaction. I'd kill for a spinach salad with onions, red and green peppers, black olives, mushrooms, carrots, a half an avocado, dried cranberries, sunflower seads, and balsamic vinegarette dressing. mmmmmmmmmmmmm!
4 more days until orange juice!
Today was the most difficult yet. I was pissed off most of the day, not at anyone or anything in particular. Luckily I was able to go to LA and have my hair cut by the Amazing Anne. She did an incredible job as usual. :) Otherwise, I was miserable today. Day six, here I come.
Well, it's only just begun and already I've managed to shit myself while juicing this morning. Usually I drink the salt and immediately start making my juice for the day. While juicing I try to hold it until the last minute so it all builds up and I'm not running to the bathroom a million times. My stomach made a funny noise and before I knew it, there was shit everywhere. Luckily Gregg was still in bed. As I ran to the bathroom to clean myself up I heard Gregg's alarm go off and screamed, "DON'T GET UP!!!!! I'VE MADE A MESS!"
Other than that I'm feeling much happier than yesterday.
2 more days of this. 5 more days until real food.
Looks like I'm going to do this for the full ten days, instead of cheating and stopping at seven. Fuck yeah!
Feeling great today! One of my favorite clients came in and let me rework all of her jewelry with anything I wanted and by the time I was done she was wearing bling plugs, flowers, prong faceted opals, and special ordered a few more pieces for various ear piercings. I didn't really even think too much about food, and have definitely decided to cleanse for ten days or more. I planned on stopping today and adding orange juice tomorrow, etc. I feel like I've made it this far, and might as well achieve the suggested minimum. I'm really excited about it as I just don't feel ready to start eating again.
I totally fucked up the tea. I thought that peppermint tea, was a laxative tea. I didn't realize exactly what I needed or the difference until yesterday. DAMNIT! This is another reason why I want to go a few more days, and really get the full effect. I'm wondering if the tea compromised my experience at all. :(
Sad news to report...Jnet gave in to the temptation of food. :( I'm hoping I can make it without my partner. Andy also only made it two days as he was vomiting with headache the entire time. We'll see. I'm optimistic. I definitely will be coming off the cleanse right though! No jumping in to food. I'm trying to carefully evaluate what needs to be completely stricken from my diet. Pizza should be one thing. I'm going to try to go as long as I can without junk food so I don't give in to the cravings and become once more a junk food junkie.
Feeling pretty lazy today. I woke up around 11:30 and stayed in bed until 1:30. No energy at all. Finally made my daily juice around 3 and am starting to feel better. Gregg is covering a shift today, so its been a sex and the city marathon for me. I know I said I wanted to cleanse for ten days, but am toying with the idea of today being the final day. Tomorrow orange juice, etc. We'll see. It's hard doing this alone.
I almost quit the cleanse this morning. I put a little too much salt in my solution and vomited most of it back up within ten minutes of drinking it. Drinking salt water, not so bad, puking salt water, fucking horrible. I was almost excited, after puking at the idea of perhaps not having to deal with it coming out of the other end, but it still did. It's really weird though, the book talks about how much better you feel after elimination, and how the cravings come right out with all of it. I completely agree. All negativity, craving, irritability come right out with the mango colored liquid.
So I'm sticking with it for today. Since I'm at work, I doubt today will be too bad. I'm still not certain whether I want today to be my final day or tomorrow. I'm leaning towards today, simply because tomorrow is my only day off with Gregg until Sunday, so it might be nice to be able to drink some god damn orange juice. We'll see how I feel tomorrow morning. At this point my only reason to do day ten is so I can say, and know, that I did the minimum suggested amount. However, I've lost 8 pounds, and am really starting to feel drained, so the other part of me, is thinking, who the fuck cares if I go one more day. I know I'm going to gain some of it back, but plan on a rigorous exercise routine, and a stupidly healthy diet once this is over. If I can wake up at 8 or 9 am to drink salt water and shit all morning, there is absolutely no reason I can't wake up to exercise every morning.
I'm only an hour and a half into day ten and have happily decided to be finished. I really wanted to stick it out for the last day, but am completely confident in my decision. I surprised myself by even pushing past the 7 days. I CAN'T WAIT TO EAT!!! It will be a little while yet before I'm eating somewhat normally, but just knowing that I'm through, it's over, feels so good! I still haven't decided what I want my first meal to be. I'm thinking Pho, something soupy and light. I found a ton of recipes to make soups and other good stuff from basic fruits, veggies, and a blender, so I'll be doing that also. Man, I can't wait for a salad!