(no subject)

Jun 03, 2004 01:24

gonna attempt to do this if i dont get caught on the comp! :D

stolen from alex:


x Kissed your cousin: no, but me and my cousin (GUY cousin) as little kids covered ourselves in baby powder and had to take a shower together if that counts..haha..
x Ran away: yea..i ran to my friends house on the other side of the neighborhood but my parents had already told hers i was coming and so she took me to an abandoned house next to hers where i chilled for a couple hrs.
x Pictured your crush naked: don't have one, don't have the thought..
x Skipped school: in a way yes, but not really..it's odd..
x Broken someone's heart: not that i know of
x Been in love: nope :(
x Cried when someone died: why wouldn't i?
x Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: wow, can't count how many times
x Broken a bone: kinda. i fractured my foot and a fracture IS a break!
x Done something embarrassing: yeah plenty of times. in case you forgot, this IS the xanga of CORINNE
x Cried in school: haha do you even need to ask that question?


x Coke or Pepsi: veryyyyy hard choice...gotta go with the coke
x Sprite or 7UP: sprite definately
x Girls or Guys: GUYS
x Flowers or Candy:i dunno..really hard choice again...gotta go with the candy (unless it's a guy bringing me something, cause then it'd be FLOWERS!)

x Scruff or Clean shaved: both are cute...but it depends on the guy
x Blondes or Brunettes: no preference...gotta have a good personality
x Bitchy or Slutty: slutty...bitchy hurts ur feelings as in slutty doesnt (always)
x Tall or Short: tall
x Pants or Shorts: pants
x Night or Day: night most definately


x Showered: yesterday
x Stepped outside: leaving my producer's meeting

x Had Sex: wouldnt you like to know? haha jkn. never! i'm not a ho!
x Romantic memory: hmm..no comment?

x Your Good Luck Charm: don't really have one but gotta go with mr.cow

x Person You Hate Most: wow, does it have to be narrowed down to one?
x Best Thing That Has Happened: in a while, it's gotta be becoming video yearbook producer
x On your desk: a shitload of stuff...lots of papers...lol, my printer, some other stuff
x Picture on your desktop: a really cool bridge with diff. color lights


x Color: pink or blue
x Movie: too many to name
x Artist or band: yet again too many to name
x Car: hmm...i like minis and vw convertible beetles
x Ice Cream: vanilla or chocolate chip cookie dough
x Breakfast Food: chinese food or pizza (but im not allowed to have either! of course that's what JENNS HOUSE is for! haha jkn!!)

x Makes you laugh the most: gotta be Jenn
x Makes you smile: Jenn & Andrea & Megan & all of my friends!
x Can make you feel better no matter what: i don't think anyone can really do that...no offense or anything..actually, Kim can usually make me feel better about things when i'm down

x Do You Have A Crush On Someone: nope not @ the moment. (but the guy me and CLAIRE are stalking is pretty hot!! haha carl! j to the c in the hizzouse! my name's Jesus!)
x Who Has it easier guys or girls?: guys. they don't get their periods OR get pregnant!
x Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: what type of funny feeling? no one that i can think of..


x Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: no...well maybe..but not ALL night
x Save AIM conversations: yep. don't do it often though. either when it's really funny or when someone is a huge asshole
x Save E-mails: depends. sometimes.
x Forward secret E-mails: not that i know of
x Wish you were someone else: let me count the times...
x Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no not really. but i have wished to not endure problems that happen with my sex!

x Wear perfume: yea but it's not really perfume. more of a "body spray"

x Kiss: nope. no one on the recieving end makes that one kinda hard!
x Cuddle: nah. read above.
x Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: sad to say, yea i have, but i have walked away from the computer or gone out during that time and just left it on.

x Fallen for your best friend?:well i fell for this guy i was pretty good friends with in 7th grade but didn't realize it till it was too late and i was headed to another school.
x Made out with JUST a friend?: nope
x Kissed two people in the same day?: nope unless you mean in a platonic family/friend type way
x Had sex with two different people in the same day?: most definately...NOT.
x Been rejected: yeah
x Been in love?: nope
x Been in lust?: dunno..
x Used someone?: i prolly have, but i can't recall a certain time...there was a time when andrea thought i was using her for her karaoke machine and it may have appeared that way but i DEFINATELY WAS NOT!! I LOVE YOU ANDREA!! (in an appropriate way of course!) haha
x Been used?: yep

x Been kissed?: nope
x Done something you regret?: oh man of course...i don't think i'd be human if i didn't. (copying alex's answer! sorry alex! haha..it's just too good!)


x You talked to?: my sister
x You hugged?: jenn or my sister. not sure.
x You instant messaged?: prolly jenn but she hasnt responded
x You kissed?: no one
x You yelled at?: my mom and dad
x You thought about?: hmm...mike, the guy i liked back in 7th grade but didn't realize it till too late! the question prompted the thought!
x Who text messaged you?: my sister (oops...not supposed to txt! but o well! )
x Who broke your heart?: no one really..
x Who told you they loved u?: jenn (in an appropriate way!)


x Color your hair?: yep.it's fried now. lol
x Have tattoos?: no..but that doesn't mean i may not be getting one eventually...nah..i may want one but you all know i dont like needles!
x Have piercings?: nope. too scared..
x Own a webcam?: nope
x Have a boyfriend: again, nope.
x Own a thong?: one that i got like, 3 yrs ago that i don't wear.
x Ever get off the damn computer?: yea...eventually..haha jkn. yes i do. it may not seem like it, but i do! i promise!
x Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: i think not...
x Habla espanol?: si
x Quack?: nope
x parler francais?: not really..i can count a little in it tho! un, deux...


x Stolen anything?: maybe...haha. no, i havent stolen from like a store or anything that had to be paid for
x Smoke?: nope. yucky.
x Do drugs: if you consider taking motrin for pain doing drugs then sure! lol.
x Schizophrenic?: we don't think we're schizophrenic...are we?
x Obsessive?: have been over some things. not as often now.
x Compulsive?: sometimes. but i dont know exactly when..
x Obsessive compulsive?: same as above
x Panic?: yes all the time about everything
x Anxiety?: yep
x Depressed?: most definately yes.
x Drink: ...no comment... i don't drink often. just in mexico!

x Name: Corinne
x Nicknames: rinn, rinnie, rinners, connie, coh-rhine, trucker bob, and more i dont remember rite now.
x School: not telling! haha. sorry to all of you unsatisfied stalker/pervs out there! jkn!

x Eyes: they change colors. blue-green i guess

x Height: not sure...in the 5-5 and a 1/2 feet range

x Siblings: melissa & courtney

x Hair color: brownish reddish (purple-ish! hahaha)
x Sex Before Marriage? haven't really thought about it cause i dont need to worry bout it yet

x Been so drunk you threw up? no but i've been so drunk that i felt sick (mexico)

x Wanted to hook up with a friend: not that i know of

x Cried during a Flick:most definately
x Had a crush on a teacher: ummmm...NO! but my tech teacher @ wbms was cute! haha but there was NOOO Crushing! OH and mr.seid is hotttttttt (but the whole student body of my school, well the girls, all agree! some are obsessed! it's sad actually...lol)

x Prank called someone: yea but it never turned out how it was planned!

x been on stage: yep. used to be an actress! haha nah. i just loved to act as a child.
x Shampoo: herbal essences & Aussie and whatever i want @ the time!
x Summer/Winter: WINTER! less bugs, less heat!
x Union or Confederate: dunno..

x Like anyone as more than friends: nope not @ the moment

------ Friends----

x Known the longest of your friends: prolly melissa & megan & alex
x who's the loudest: hmm...prolly me! haha. chris is loud too!
x Who's the shyest: megan
x Who do you go to for advice: kim
x Who do you cry with: whoever is there, usually jenn.

---------IN THE LAST 2 Weeks------------

x Cried: are you kidding? that question doesnt even need to be asked because the answer is clearly right there!
x Cut your hair: not by myself but it was cut 2 weeks ago today!
x Worn a skirt: yep! twice!

x Been mean: prolly...
x Been sarcastic: yep!

x Talked to someone you have a crush on?: nope. as i stated, no crushing going on @ the moment!
x Missed someone/something: yeah. i miss my school, i miss EMP, i miss kim, i miss seeing my friends all the time, i miss it not being summer, i miss a lot!
x Hugged someone: yea
x Fought with your parents: OOHHHHH YES! MOST MOST MOST DEFINATELY!!!

x Laughed until you cried: with jenn the other nite. we were in tears!! we am spase peepole!
x Played Truth or Dare: nope
x Read a book for fun: yes! 2! thats one thing i like about summer! i can read! i read "tithe" and i read "mary jane"

-------Do you believe in.....--------

x God: yes but i have questioned my belief
x Love: YES

x The Big Bang Theory: yea i guess so
x Heaven/Hell: not sure..i do believe in it, but its also questionable

--random questions --

x What is your full name? corinne b. lol not giving that up either! lol.
x Whats the story behind your name?:dunno...my dad says its one of his old girlfriend's names but im sure hes joking

x Backstreet Boys or N Sync?: nsync prolly
x What was the the last thing that you said online? i told jenn i prolly can't go see POA on friday
x What is right next to you?: the toilet because my sister snuck the computer into the bathroom so we could use it and i'm sitting on the edge of the bathtub! and boyyy does it hurt my ass! haha..
x What was the last thing that you ate? a toasted marshmallow! (we brought up candles and the lighter thing and toasted marshmallows!
x What is your favorite state?: hmm...i havent been to many. i like florida, and im not a fan of georgia but it's my home so i'd have to say ga.
x How many buddies do you have on your list: 166 but i dont talk to half of them.
x What did you do last night?: read, toasted marshmallows with my sister and her friend, watched "heavyweights", took a shower

x What's the best thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex?: their personality. HUMOR. lol
x Favorite hair color in the opposite sex : prolly brown(not many jewish boys are blondes! hahahah)

x Pizza or ice cream?: hahah. i like pizza AND ice cream a lottt so i can't choose! it just depends on the mood ur in! (haha andrea! ice cream!)
x What do you want to be when you grow up? rich. haha. hmm...im not sure yet. theres far to many things and opporitunities
x Are you too shy to ask someone out?: yep! haha. well i asked ryan out in 8th grade thru a note, that was funny lemme tell ya! never got a reply though...

x If you could change your name, what would it be?: rae or kaye. my 2 favorite characters from my 2 favorite books! haha.
x What will your first son's name be?: JOHN, JACOB, JINGLEHEIMER, OR SCHMIDT! HAHAHHA JENN!!! nah..hmm..lemme think about that one...prolly evan or alex. i like both of those names.
x Daughter? rae or kaye
x Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: yes! those girls do more than most atheletes do! (no offense...)
x When's your birthday?march 1.

x 1st love: none

x 3rd grade crush: hmm..i think i liked dylan w. hahahhaha thats pretty funny
x 4th grade crush: ryan

x 5th grade crush: ryan r.
x 6th grade crush: ryan r. and bobby l. (hahahahaha)
x 7th grade crush: still liked ryan r.& at the end of the year, mike.

x 8th grade crush: still liked ryan r. until i asked him out to try and scare away someone who i was told liked me who i only liked as a friend. (then i thought someone else was hot...hahah claire!! stalkerboy!)

x9th grade crush: hmm...alex v.

x10th grade crush: don't really have one. liked alex v. @ the beginning of the year and now..no one. (cept stalkerboy claire!!)

that's all folks! *Rinn*
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