And in other changes I should've made...

Sep 04, 2006 16:05

It's been 54 hours and change since I've had a diet Coke. Roughly about six months ago I met with my doctor b/c my immune system was crap, I was tired all the time, and I was having pain in places that were no bueno. He told me that my caffeine addiction was one of the reasons my body was going to hell. I smiled, nodded, and drank a Diet Coke prolly six or seven hours later. It was delicious. Spen found out a month before the wedding about the doctor's recommendations and bounced on to the nag patrol. If I ordered a diet Coke with dinner, he would give me the big blue eyes that are Penguin-krytonite. I agreed to cut down on the diet Coke, going roughly from 84 ounces a day to roughly 24 ounces on a good day (50 on a bad day, but it had to be really bad in my defense).

Anyone who knows me knows I've been trying to quit for at least the past 4 years. I could give you a myriad of excuses, but it comes down to I gave up all my other vices and/or addictions when I joined the Church and a caffeine addiction seemed pretty freakin' small in the grand scheme of things. My reasoning: If I couldn't wake up without it, got bad headaches without it, and felt pretty miserable without that morning cup, who gave a darn when I could be screwing up my body with things that were much worse? A diet Coke, while not the best thing for my body, made me happier and more alert. I wasn't smoking crack, so when I failed at quitting, who cared?

And now I'm trying to quit again. This time b/c, since my body's poor health and my husband were apparently not enough motivation, we had to do a list in my personal money management class of the five most recent purchases we've made (CPD 108 looks like the most interesting class I'll be taking and ironically, it's the one that I was forced to take b/c of financial aid requirements). Ours/mine were: Indian food at Flavors of India celebrating an end in sight for some of our financial issues, rent, my car payment, and two purchases of diet cola totaling $2.07. Do some math with me. Let's say I spend $2.50 a day on diet Coke and six days a week (I skip drinking it on Sunday b/c I don't shop on Sunday and Spensaur would decaptiate me if I kept it in the house. Plus the headaches don't get really bad until I skip out for more than a day). $15/week and that number is a pretty good average even if I buy more than that per week b/c I don't drink as much on weekends or on holidays. If I do that every week for a year, I've spent $780 in one year on diet Coke/caffeinated products. I'm my father's daughter after all -- The money is what makes me cry the most in the end. /rolls eyes

Although I have to say, as the Devil's usual advocate, that I might be spending that much on Advil the next three weeks. And I'm going to be hell to live with should I run out of aforementioned Advil.

Finished season two of "the West Wing." I should be getting season three tomorrow Wednesday which means I don't get to watch it until Saturday at the earliest, b/c of school Wednesday and Thursday nights and then Spen and I are seeing a baseball game with Neenos on Friday night (Neenos is the one lending me all the seasons, ironic as b/c of hanging out with him I'll be denying myself the love of "tWW"). But still, I heart "the West Wing," despite killing off a character that I liked in a way that made me sad. And if Donna doesn't get together with Josh and have babies together, I will be very put out.

Also had a wonderful date with Spensaur on Friday. We ate tasty Indian food (Flavor of India rules!) and then enjoyed a cheap evening at the suggestion of Mr. Hartley at the AZ Science Center. Did you know they open up the Science Center for adults only for free on the first Friday of every month? Just spectacular, running around playing with all the exhibits and acting like peculiar little children. Anyway, we had a grand ol' time and topped it off with Cold Stone Creamery (thanks Carlsons). Sated and chubby, we wandered home and let loose Buddy-Blue who was thrilled that we had not abandoned him as he had supposed. We saw "Little Miss Sunshine" the next day which was awesome. I don't think I've ever cried that hard and laughed that hard at the same time for entirely different reasons.

Now get me some caffeine!

marriage, spensaur, goals, movies, friends, lds, buddy, wedding, health, tv

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