Sep 03, 2006 10:10
We did a freewrite in ENG 102 the other night where we had to read and article and write for 20 minutes straight with no stopping about anything that popped into our heads, even if it was "I can't think of anything else to write." And I wrote something and it was good! So yeah, if you want to be on my writing filter lemme know by commenting and I'll add you. It won't all be pearls of perfection, but most drafts usually aren't. Am hoping for critiques, not necessarily "Wow, you blow my mind." Even though praise is nice, it won't help me become a better writer.
BTW, I won't be linking my research papers. I'd like to keep my friends.
Am teaching the Laurels today and then I'm going to U4's single ward reunion to score free food with Spen. See some of y'all there!