Go here (
http://community.livejournal.com/secret_goodness/6586.html) and enjoy
duckalmighty's icon. I can't tell you how much it made me smile. Also, go join that community to nerd upon if you likey teh music.
This is my last day working at SMCC for Kelly Services.
Woo! Coincidentally, the secretaries finished their quest to cover every surface with tin foil in the SMCC president's office. They are my gods. I took a picture and as soon as I can con Spen into scanning it for me at his job, you'll see it. Again, dodge Kelly Services -- My boss here at SMCC has had problems getting her concerns addressed by Kelly as well as getting a replacement for me from them. I'm currently in the awkward position of calling Kelly to tell them that if they don't have a staff person reserved for tomorrow that my boss is going with a rival agency. Eesh. I may work a work or two for them on my fall and winter breaks, just b/c it beats interviewing elsewhere and telling them I can only work a work or two every few months. But we'll see. If you're not involved with Kelly, don't start.
That reminds me of the sidewalk sign on 19th in DC when I lived out east. You know the traditional "Walk/Don't Walk" pedestrian traffic signals? This one in DC has three different signs, "Walk," "Don't Walk," and "Don't Start." I always think of one of the theater queens I used to know when I think of that sign: "Don't start with me, missy. I'm in no mood to deal with any drama queens other than myself at the moment." Snap.
Blue? Still no peeing where he shouldn't. Behaving like a nice love-whore doggie, like he was supposed to. I <3 my dog. For now... I mean, I miss sleeping in those extra 10 minutes (the early morning walk-and-pee is mine as I go to work before Spen), but having Blue makes me more active and I really missed having a pet around.
Spensaur? Still teh hotness. He is in the process of interviewing for being the DP (director of photography) on a documentary on this rehab program (
http://www.anasazi.org) that coincidentally I was looking into interviewing w/a few years ago. Chances are pretty good, he was a referral and they called him to work for them. If he gets hired, he might be able to quit being a cameraman/editor for the Phx affiliate and follow his dream which will make him happy and help us to move out of the war zone ghetto quicker. I love my shmoopy, his happiness is mine.
This week? Goodness. I see Jenna tonight, I start back at Compadre tomorrow, fun with Mr. Hartley and friends on Friday, and next week I see my precious minions again. Glorious. And further upsides for you? My entries will drop significantly -- B/c I'll have a job I give a darn about and won't have time to post as much.