Nov 04, 2004 14:00
I will be leaving this Sunday for LA. It is going to be an interesting journey with a few fun pit stops along the way.
My Coast Guard career is coming to an end. It is strange the mixed emotions that come along with that. I will miss the comradery. Yes, that is probably the one thing I will miss the most. Millitary life is like being in a international club. There are seperate sectors that and friendly bantor that will always be exchanged between them, but we all have one thing in common, something that bonds us. As soon as two millitary members meet, there is an instant acceptance and friendship. Now true, some people will never be friends, they are just to different, but it happens later. Initially, it is always acceptance. In every place that I have been since joining, I have experienced this: in every store, bar, club, neighborhood. This is the thing I will miss the most.
And that is only part of the storm in my head. I am scared with out my security blanket, but also excited. I my past, I have discovered the best things in my life have been the ones that I felt scared and insecure about. For examples: moving to Mead, joining the millitary.
I know that you are supposed to tihnk and plan and analyze big decisions, but now that the decision is made I try not to think about it too much. There are too many things to freak me out and thinking to much clouds my optomism. The truth is no matter what happens in the end I know I will survive and it is worth the risk to try.
Basic plan:
Leaving Sunday from E-City and will drive strait through to Western Tennesee
Will spend half of the next day there with my granparents. Don't know where I will stop in between there and Vegas, but I will be in Vegas by the night of the 10th and then to San Diego... So gotta go... Some one needd the computer.