(no subject)

Aug 19, 2008 22:34

 And, more. Holy heck.

Larxene: More of this?

Axel: Sequel.

Larxene: Right.

Marluxia: Axel, I don't think you're going to like this chapter...

Vexen: Really? *skips to the bottom of the script* Bwa! REVENGE!!!

Riku: And with that...

Chapter 4

Time passed by fast. Organization XIII lost XIV as quickly as she was gained,

Riku: Because the author knows nothing about her. Nice sidestep.

Axel: Lucky Xion, she's not in this fic.

and realizing Kimari was completely right about their fate,

Vexen: Like all good Sues.

she was welcomed to stay for as long as needed to gain hearts. Kimari's time at the castle was worth it.

Marluxia: No it wasn't, because every day she breathed was ten failed attempts at killing her.

Larxene: It was good practice.

Her dreams came true. She seemed to have befriended most of the Organization and they seem to like her around.

Vexen: Once more, like any good Sue.

But there seemed to be something off about them since her time with them. They seemed to be caring...

That wasnt right.


Riku: You're not Zexion.

They had no hearts. So how could they be caring about Kimari? Kimari just figured it was like the relationship with Roxas and Axel.

Axel: She's not going there she's not going there she's not...

Vexen: *snicker*

Since obviously they care for eachother as friends.

Marluxia: You just KNOW that's supposed to be sarcastic.

Axel: *pitiful sob*

Riku: *pats his head*

It was the same with her and the organization, right?

Time did pass by fast. It became 274 days since Kimari stopped Marluxia's plan at castle Oblivion. In atleast 91 days, Sora should wake up...

Vexen: Well, at least she knows her math...

Kimari's alarm went off, waking the girl up. She shut off the alarm then jumped out of bed and changed. Over the time she stayed, she received new clothes, and had received her own bedroom.

Larxene: The Sue, it burns.

Axel: More than likely, she just stole Xion's stuff.

Riku: Probably.

She put on her shoes, then ran out of the room and towards the kitchen.

Xaldin looked down as she entered the kitchen, "Hey, here to assist again?"

Axel: At least it doesn't say, "Here to incest again?"

Vexen: Xaldin does not say hey. I call OOC.

Riku: Drinking game for everytime she screws with a character?

Axel: In what way?

Riku: The OOC way.

Axel: Dang. Oh well, it's a better game anyway.

Kimari nodded, "Of course Xaldin! You do have fourteen people to cook for, I'm sure you enjoy the help as well!"

Xaldin smiled,

All: *drink*

"Then put on an apron and get to work."

Kimari smiled back and grabbed one of the spare aprons. She tied it on, then went over to the stove, "What should I do?"

"Flip the bacon and make some pancake batter." Xaldin told her, while he was working on muffins for Demyx,


Axel: That's a rare appearence...

eggs, and many more things with the help of the wind.

Kimari obeyed and together,

All: *drink*

Marluxia: Xaldin hates other people interfering with his work...

the two finished breakfast for the nobodies. The two took their seats just as the swarm of other nobodies entered to take their own. Kimari and Xaldin already split the food and put it on everybody's plates. Insept Demyx, who just had a plateful of muffins.

"YAY!" Demyx cheered as he started to scarf down the muffins.

*there is growling over the intercom*

All: ... *drink*

"Demyx, shut up." Larxene yelled at him, causing Demyx to choke a little bit on a muffin.


Axel: You can has.

Riku: Does this mean I'm supposed to spit out one of my sips?

Kimari shook her head, "They are like kids..."

"That they are..." Xemnas had agreed,

Marluxia: Ooh, bad tense...

reading the newspaper as he does every morning.

All: *drink*

Vexen: What newspaper, the Twilight Times?

The nobodies and Kimari finished their breakfast, and about 6

Marluxia: About six?

Larxene: There were what, 6.2 of us with missions or something?

Riku: I hate that about food labels, they'll even put "about one" for the number of servings.

of the nobodies had to leave for missions by order of Xemnas. The others were either in their rooms, gardens, or watching television.

Larxene: Or not, since we have no TV.

In the living room abided Kimari, Xemnas, Saïx, Axel and Roxas, all watching a show on the television.

All: *two drinks, one for Xemnas and one for Saïx*

All were quiet until the silence was shattered by one disturbing question...

"I've been meaning to ask you this Axel... are you gay for Roxas?"

Axel: .......Hey look everyone, there's a new lamp. *points up*

Larxene: Huh, so there is.

Vexen: *looks up*

Axel: *Attempts to escape the theater*

Vexen: *ices him*

Lamp: *wiggles*

allbutfrozenAxel: o.o


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