Radiohead in Tancouver

Sep 01, 2008 22:29

     Radiohead was peaceful
It was rainy and damn cold, but shoved in to see we were packt like sardines so really we were only wet from the chest up, and when they played some yipyap song everyone started doing their jig and whatnot so it warmed up kindly.  But then they played "Exit Music" or something so we colded up again.  Exiting was hell and we managed to elbow our way into the backdoor of the bus -we were the last two to fit in and I was damn glad because I was too cold to talk, too cold to walk like a human so I was walking, like, with my arms slightly jutting out.  Queer, but lucky queers because a lot of people were waiting for buses and we stole one on.
     Lots of good quotes that I can't remember, one I can came from Erin:Jon: That's when everyone comes out of their hole?
Erin: No, it's pretty much just bums... coming out from their bumholes....
It was unexpected.
     The concert had some nice lights: long cylinders hanging from several stories high, multi-coloured and bright.  There were three large viewscreens left, right and centred behind the band.  Thom made a funny face at the camera several times.  Another time an unheard heckler prompted him to respond, while singing, "you're not funny you just don't get out much."  I guess never fight micman if you're unmic'd.
     She said five pounds on your chest is heavy and I violently disagreed.
     They played such a variety of songs and from all kinds of albums and ep's.  "Talk Show Host", "Planet Telex", umm "Karma Police" and "Paranoid Android", "Everything in it's Right Place" were some of the surprises.  It was a pretty neat thing to see I think. Erin reminds to me that Thom said something funny: "Take it easy guys, it's not Rage Against The Machine."  It's funny because Rage broke up, like, eight years ago.  I guess no one's filled their spot in Thom's heart.  Oh, I mean this Thom not that Thom, but maybe both, we'll see.
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