Sep 06, 2008 16:10
so I climbed mt fuji it suced I got the werest sun burn of my life, my head was uzzing yell shit and my lips blilsted up, I got lost and in trubal but I am slick so I fixed it I had to use my cumpis to find my self, thak god for land nav I had a bad headache form the high eltatood, I fell on my ass on the way down about 40 times and going up was like doing a star master for 4 1/2 hrs it was about a 10 mile trec down the black plandit ther was know one arond and the ground was thins black damp gravel that got every were and I was in a clowd not a fog but a clowd you could not see 15 ft out. you had 0 confidins in what you were doing it felt like a crool joke form god on are desent to hell. all to gether it took about 12 1/2 hr to do. affter it all I did not feel spesh or happy in any way I just regreted every step I took lol.