Who is a better actor?

Jun 09, 2008 12:48

I was just thinking about this yesterday. The 4 male actors that capture my attention on small screen are: David Duchovny (X-files, Californication), Wentworth Miller (Prison Break), Hugh Laurie (House MD), David Boreanaz (Angel, Bones, BtVS)

How would you rate their acting abilities? Who's better? Not talking about their hotness!rank here )))

To me it's

1. Hugh Laurie (he has the widest range of acting and he displays it all in 1 character, from the goofiest scenes to the most devastating and heart-breaking ones. He is a brilliant !!!)

2. David Boreanaz ( He is so  different in real life, but on screen he is very convincing. Even though Angel has something of Booth, Booth has nothing of Angel. Loving every bit of angry, pissy, funny, brooding, worried, serious Angel/Booth)

3. David Duchovny (he has his own very distinct style and he is very good...gotta love obsessive Mulder-the-crusader, I just don't feel the range. However he can be funny and creepy and serious at the same time)

4. Wentworth Miller (the man is an absolute knock-out! and his Michael is very good, he's just a little stiff)

There is also Richard Armitage (North and South, Robin Hood). I left him off the list because I don't think many people know him. But his performances as Mr. Thornton and Guy of Gisbon are wonderful.

hugh laurie, david boreanaz, richard armitage, wentoworth miller, david duchovny

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