I was just on facebook and looking through the flair for Breaking Dawn to send my friend's some and I found this among others..I put the links for them...
http://chotchkies.flair.nliven.com/flair_img/4/d/a/0/4da0f294c16230759ad8f6b9aad7e0897210aaf1.jpg http://chotchkies.flair.nliven.com/flair_img/5/f/4/3/5f43911abff950daa8341844bb399204fd8abbbd.jpg http://chotchkies.flair.nliven.com/flair_img/2/3/1/d/231da058169e9ae9ded3049591251697906ad48f.jpg http://chotchkies.flair.nliven.com/flair_img/4/d/f/9/4df9cf1e6ed461cd112f52eb5a6d1378fafe794f.jpg The first one i find completely ridiculous considering she knew that the story was going to go this way since 2004 when she wrote the rough draft version of Twilight and the sequel. She's known this for four years. How could she rip off people's dinky fan fiction?
I would love to see some of these whiney brats write a novel and have it blasted by all the people who just a month ago would have defended it to the point of absurdity.
It was never their story--never their book. Stephenie Meyer wrote the story that she felt needed to be told. It's not fanfiction when it is written by the original creator of the characters and these little uneducated nit wits need to get that through their heads. I am absolutely disgusted with the distrespect being shown to SM whereas a few months ago everyone loved her.
There are people talking about burning the book, because it was too graphic for their children, but not graphic enough for them, so they are unsatisfied all the way around. Hypocrites, the lot of them. Burning books is ignorance in the first place (burning books was effective before mass production of books became the normal process--due to unlimited printing capabilities burning books to keep it's contents from other people is utterly pointless), but the fact that they would let their child of nine read a book intended for YOUNG ADULTS without even screening it first shows how some parents in this day and age are just glorified babysitters. They're just simpering idiots...
If you find the book so ojectionable ignore it and all who like it, because that is what we're doing to you. We like it in spite of what you may think. Opinions are like assholes everyone has one and most of them stink, but some smell worse than others.
It just makes me so so angry that people are being so ignorant and rude. Just because the story did not go the way you wanted, the way you planned, does not mean that the story is any less valid. It was written by the author the way she saw fit for it to end and being childish and closed minded only proves what morons you really are.
I loved Breaking Dawn, and just because some fifteen year old thinks they could have written it better and chooses to make a fool of themselves is not going to make me change my mind.