Jul 31, 2008 19:52
I'm not saying what I've read, cause if it is true I'm not spoiling anything for anybody....But I'm finding it harder and harder to believe that what they're saying happens happens. It's totally lame. Like..It's not even remotely believable. They're saying all this stuff, but where is the When why and how? THAT'S what I'm interested to know. Not to mention that if in fact these people are leaking spoilers as they have been for days all of their posts would have been removed by Little, Brown, Stephenie Meyer, and her publicists.
Yeah, okay, Wal-Mart somewhere put their books on the shelves early, but when they scanned it for checkout it said "restriced" and they took them back off the shelves until Saturday. So how in the world would a bookstore that is part of a large American chain be able to release a book without it being restricted and the individuals who sold it being fired.
Now, granted there are people who I'm sure jacked a copy for a family member, but that doesn't mean that all these spoilers and online chapters have the correct information. In fact the things that I've seen---the scans of the books that someone got a hold of---were completely deleted. Removed due to copyright infringement. So anything that could possibly be real has been removed and all we're left with are these nit-wits who believe that their little band of idiots have the scoop on all of us who are actually being true to what SM wanted posting crap about the Lockness Monster or some shit.
Believe none of what you see.