Ah, so it happened. When I took Tarod in to be groomed yesterday, they asked whether to give him a blended or lion cut. I told them that if he would be more embarrassed by a lion cut to give him the blended cut, but if he wouldn't know the difference, to give him the lion cut because it was hilarious. So, here he is with a lion cut :)
Oh, it is so silly! The other two cats were not sure what to make of him! They kept sniffing at him and going, "Huh. He *smells* like Tarod, but he sure doesn't *look* like Tarod..." Although I think they've made their peace with him now. Although Timmy might still chase him, because Timmy is mean.
And, although he didn't talk to me for quite a while after he got home, he was up in my lap purring by the end of the night, so I think I'm forgiven. His matts are definitely all gone, and we'll see if this helps with keeping cool.
There's one other issue. I went to buy them more prescription cat food last night, but the vets was out, and Banfield doesn't carry it. So... no wet food at dinner or breakfast this morning. I tried putting water over dry food like the vet assistant recommended, but they are NOT buying it. Any idea as to where else I could go? I have the prescription... I guess I will start emailing vets at random today :)
Also, I made cookies last night. Yesterday was such a tense day, that I told my coworkers I would bring in cookies. At which point one of them said that he would only eat oatmeal raisin cookies. So, I made half oatmeal raisin, half oatmeal white chocolate chip (it was what was in the cupboard.). I used a
highly rated recipe from All Recipes, and they turned out... different than I'd expected. They were crispy -- almost like meringue cookies. But the oatmeal was the wrong kind (I realized that it was old fashioned instead of quick after I'd dumped it in, of course.), so it's also kind of chewy. Oh well, it's work cookies, they'll get eaten. I might try this recipe some other time with the right kind of oatmeal, though.
And that was my night! Tonight Eric gets to come home for the weekend, so hooray!