Storms and baking

Apr 18, 2011 15:59

So, tornadoes ripped through Raleigh this weekend. It was pretty crazy. We were incredibly lucky at our house, where we just had some flickering lights (enough to make Eric lose his game-in-progress, but not enough to reset the clocks) and about an hour of heavy rain and hail. Some of our friends lost power (did JJ ever get his back?) and some of my coworkers are saying that the estimate to get their power back is Wednesday. Yeep!

It was really brought home to me when I drove in to work today. South Saunders was pretty torn up. Buildings were collapsed in on themselves, huge trees were uprooted, cars were smashed and turned over. One store isn't even there anymore! Things were fine north of the Convention Center, though. I'm very glad! There is a ton of construction going on downtown right now, and can you imagine a crane getting whipped around in a tornado?

So, that was part of the fun weekend. Most of the fun parts are still on my camera, so let me show you some food pictures, instead!

Eric and I have been watching Black Butler together on Netflix Instant Watch. I've been pestering him since the curry battle, so he made me some curry buns! Well, not really curry buns, and there was no chocolate in the curry :(

Actually, he made some yummy Indian curry earlier in the week, but he wanted to serve the leftovers in an interesting way. So, he made some naan dough, stuffed the curry inside, and then grilled them. OMG. They were ridiculously delicious! One is enough, for sure, but we all ate two, anyway. I would've eaten three if there'd been a third one to eat. They were SO GOOD. Don't worry, Craft Night folks. We're planning on a way to mass produce these :)

He also made ice cream base last night. I asked for sweet cream, but I think it's going to be brown sugar. Anyway, we had six egg whites that needed to be used up, so I tried to make individual pavlovas for the people at work (they've been heavily hinting for a few weeks). I definitely filled the baking cups too high - next time, I'll fill them less than halfway! I didn't expect that much expansion! That made the meringue a bit marshmallowy. The Australian at work took one bite and told me they needed work. They're also topped with cool whip instead of whipped cream because of lactose intolerance. (Eric was offended when I stuck it in the cart) They are topped with kiwis, though! And they're yummy, even if they're not perfect. I'm sure Eric will make more ice cream this year, and I can work on perfecting my pavlova.

I have some big baking projects coming up, too! I have six packages of Oreos in my cupboard, and big plans for birthday cakes. It should be fun!


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