Zodiacs, bread and srsly, is anything going on this weekend?

Jan 14, 2011 08:30

Bah! It was so much easier when I was an introvert! A week or so at home wouldn't have me climbing the walls!

First off, here's a really good blog post about why the whole zodiac kerfluffle is being misrepresented. Kelly's post is interesting and lays out the facts without the sensationalism that the press has put around it. I tried to summarize it, but I think you shoud just go read it. Good stuff!

Well, here is my latest bread. It's supposed to be Pumpernickel, but I accidentally tripled the amount of instant coffee the recipe called for (tsp =/= Tbsp). You can definitely taste the coffee in the bread, but since I use it for peanut butter sandwiches, it's not a dealbreaker. I'll have to try it again with the correct amounts, though!

I have nothing planned for this three day weekend. I think I'm going to take the plunge and go shopping for dress fabrics tonight!


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