Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 24, 2010 14:51

So, here we are, on the brink of a long weekend. I'm glad we have a few people coming over for dinner! So many people are going out of town, though! Ah well, we'll survive. Perhaps I can use the down time to finish up one or more of my secret Christmas gifts! Not likely, though. Tonight will be cat-bothering, baking, and trying to get the house into guest-worthiness. Tomorrow is more cooking (so much cooking!), and then cleaning up all the mess. Friday is early shopping! Then we're going to drag the tree out! I guess that leaves Saturday and Sunday, maybe?

In completely unrelated news, here is photographic proof that Asi is feeling better. He'd been feeling puny, and was unable to jump up to the counters for a while. But he's pulled himself together just in time to "help" with Thanksgiving! Yay. (No, really, I'm thrilled that he's doing better! It's just going to complicate the cooking.)

I hope you have a lovely holiday weekend! (Unless you don't get one. In that case, I hope you have a lovely November weekend!)
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