Weekend: friends, steampunk, friends, cosplay, friends

Apr 19, 2010 09:48

I did not finish my pirate coat this weekend, but that's because so much else was going on! It was such a busy weekend!

First, on Thursday I came home to two awesome packages! My wigs finally came in from Cosplay fu! The Maka wig is really good! The Kendappa wig will still need some work, but as I had to choose a wig from a different character (apparently, RG Veda is too old school for them!), I was expecting that.

And Jenny had also sent my birthday gift! She told me to open it right away, so I did! It was amazing! First, there was this great black and white Hello Kitty messenger bag! But, even better, it came with fabric pens for coloring in! You bet I did that! So much fun! (She says she found it at Wal*mart.) As if that weren't awesome enough, she also had a friend dye some yarn in a custom "Spumoni" color for me! I can't wait to make socks out of that! And she included "The Enchanted Sole," a book of sock patterns that I've had my eye on for a while! It has a pattern called "naiad!" Of course, she had to ruin it with her inscription! Grr! :) There was also some yummy chocolate and a Hello Kitty juice drink :) It was all around awesome!

On Friday, I broke my wedding ring and had a lot of doctors appointments (routine checkups, but no fun). It seemed to be a bad day in the making until the evening. Then I got to go to dinner with a group of awesome people at Crazy Fire, a Mongolian Grill in Cary which I hadn't even realized exists! It was pretty fun! Then I got to hang out with other friends that I hadn't seen in FOREVER (let's not let that happen again!) and meet a bunch of new friends that I am already planning on assimilating into our group! Firefly! Cosplay! Knitting! Crocheting! They'll fit in just fine!

Saturday was super fun, too! The Morehead Planeterium was having a Steampunk day event! Well, actually they called it "Family Science Day," so a lot of people didn't know what it was about :( Ah well. It was pretty well attended, by both people in costume, and those who weren't. We, of course, dressed up, so after checking out the "time travel experience," tables of activities, and watching a spooky movie, we wandered about the grounds doing a little photoshoot. Best part of the day: there were some girls having lunch on the sundial, and when Nick & Annie got up there to get their picture taken, one of the girls told the others, "They're doing a real photoshoot here, so they'll probably ask us to move." Haha!

After wandering around the *excellent* arboretum for a bit (we must go back!), we were hungry, so we went to Buns, my new favorite hamburger place! They're like Five Guys all grown up! You can make your own burger, but the burger of the day was a goat cheese, tomato, and balsamic vinegar reduction burger, so we all got that. With a basket of way too many sweet potato fries, it was a ridiculously delicious lunch! We were so full, but not full enough to skip Sugarland! Such sweetness! Such cake artistry! So many desserts that it would take years to sample them all! I am willing to try! I had a boston creme cupcake, and it was so good!

Then we went to a couple of vintage/thrift stores! They were really fun to look through, although we didn't find anything that *needed* to be brought home. Still a fun end to the day!

Ending the night with Bollywood and watching a ridiculous game of Dicecapades (so I could finish Maka's vest) was just perfect!

So, Sunday had to be devoted to my cosplaying! Especially if I'm going to wear that Pirate coat to the Ren faire next weekend! And I WILL! I sewed basically all day, with only a break to take both my broken rings to Zales (The girl at the counter: "Well, we'll have to send this out for estimates. It will take a WHOLE MONTH." Me: "If you don't send them out, how fixed will they be in a month?"), and still did not finish the whole coat. But all I have to do is some ditch-stitching to fix the lining in place, and add the collar and button bands! I'm hoping to finish that this evening! I LOVE THIS COAT!

So, coat almost done, wigs in, Maka's vest done, and I just got an email that Maka's coat and Shinigami's outfit are on the way!... things are starting to pull together! Only two weeks to MTAC, though! Will I have a finished costume in time? (Seven Seas Treasure is the only one with a hard deadline for MTAC. The others aren't necessary until Memorial Day weekend.)

steampunk, cosplay, knitting

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