Cardinals baseball

Jul 25, 2012 11:31

KJ and I went to the Cardinals-Dodgers game last night. We splurged on $50 seats, since we had a thingy for 50% off two seats. Down nearish the field, past first base.

If we'd realized the heat wave was back, we probably would have put it off -- it was 104 at first pitch and never got below 92, even at 10 PM. We brought along 1.5 liters of chilled water apiece and drank half of it before the first inning was over. Just on general principle, of course, but I could probably have drunk my entire bottle right then if I didn't care about saving any for later.

We sat in front of about three or four guys who chattered among themselves most of the game. They seemed fairly knowledgable about the season -- I haven't been keeping very close tabs lately -- and were pretty amusing. They heckled the L.A. pitcher for not taking the heat or losing the strike zone, bellowed encouragement for a .220 hitter (who went about 2 for 3), and said a lot of amusing phrases in general. There was also a beer seller who was pretty practiced in the art of the sell, declaring this part of the stands to be consistently friendly and generous with their money.

The game went fast enough early on. The Cardinals had only one hit for the first few innings and stranded runners on second and third. Then the Dodgers had a two-run rally. The Cardinals didn't do anything with their next inning, and I was starting to not feel good about their chances of doing anything offensively. But then they scored two runs the next inning and batted around the one after that, with the pitcher driving in several. That was it for the scoring. 8-2, Cardinals win!

KJ was ready to go home to A/C afterwards, and I was a bit dozy on the MetroLink. A fun game, aside from the heat, which was tolerable once the sun dropped to where it wasn't hitting us directly.

Here, have a picture of my Constitution-class in ST Online. (Most combats don't look like that. I wind up scrolling out to maximum distance to keep everyone in the picture, while my ship unknowingly spirals farther and farther out of the plane of combat. I'm not very good.)

computer games, sports, baseball

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