From Frank J over at IMAO:
Often as I’ve played videogames, I’ve wondered if scientists would tell me why I like playing videogames. Well,
Science! to the rescue! Quoth the scientist: “The attraction to playing videogames and what makes them fun is that it gives people the chance to think about a role they would ideally like to take and then get a chance to play that role.” So the reason you play Tetris is because you always wanted to be a block made of four segments. And I can see why, because those blocks all fit together. But in real life, you never seem to fit in. That’s why you want to be like those blocks. But remember, when those blocks all fit together, they disappear. The only way they remain is when they don’t fit - when there is a hole in them. See, that’s what you are: You’re that hole that we can’t fill that keeps us all from disappearing. So feel good about yourself. And play some Angry Birds for a change.
Grandma and KJ are both doing much better. Thanks again for all your prayers and kind wishes.