Recent threads at KellyzKorner

Jun 16, 2007 15:07

(cross-posted from kellyzkorner)

In the Frog & Fractal Lounge, a link to a photo gallery of "What the World Eats". OK, that was from about eight days ago, but we're a writing board, not a 'rithmetic board.

Someone also finally noticed that we kinda sorta missed Vanessa's birthday a few weeks ago and has started a thread to that effect. Sorry about the lateness!

A few older threads have also been posted in lately. And the "latest" Post Every Time You Enter thread is within ninety posts of a thousand and will probably be put to bed soon. Also, don't forget to enter the Avatar Contest! We have a rather unusual theme this time :-)

Not a new thread, but there is a new link in the Best of YouTube topic.

Also not a thread started in the past seven days, but within the last week-and-a-half and updated within the past few days, Dama47/dalaire's highly distracting hand-drawn line art thread.

On that note, her "Guerdon" story is up to Part XI. Yes, it was started well over a week ago, but I've given up on that rule for this post so nyaah ;~).

I started a Star Trek story of my own, just to prove that the technology does NOT mean you can't set any series after the TNG-VOY era without destroying the Federation. It's only on its first chapter, but The Vorbium Crisis is open for reading.

Plus I'm finally getting around to posting a story that's been gathering dust for far too long. There was a fair bit of highly positive reaction to my story about John the Butterman and the Jovians when I posted it some years back, so if you liked that story pay attention, because the sequel is being posted and it's funnier than the first IMHBSO.
(This is my own blog so I get to do a little skewing/self-promo. :~P But seriously, I think there were several who commented on the first part at the time who haven't necessarily been posting lately and I don't want them to miss out on the next installment.)

Don't forget about the writing contests! We have THREE this month :-)


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