The move is now over, at least in terms of trasporting stuff to the new apartment. I have everything there except for cleaning related items, because I have to go back to the old place later to vacuum it and scrub the floors and scrub everything else too. It feels strange to not have a vacuum cleaner. I hope to get it back soon or else this new home will get run over with cat hair and sand from the litter box.
On Saturday mum, dad and Jutta came to help me with the move. We started around 11 am and it was over by 5-6 pm. We had a break of 45 minutes somewhere in between. All in all everything went pretty smoothly. Jutta stayed for a couple of hours afterwards and I kept arranging books on the shelves until midnight.
Yesterday I continued unpacking, set my computer up and was happy to see that the Internet connection started working immediately like I'd been promised. I got rid of about half of the cardboard boxes, but there's lots of work to do still. The cats had stayed at mum's on Saturday and she brought them to me yesterday. They went around sniffing the whole place, but settled down after an hour or two. Now they are there alone while I'm at work and I'm nervous, hopefully they don't destroy anything or pee anywhere they aren't supposed to. They were very nice yesterday, but perhaps too confused to do mischief. I'm actually very scared of Chi failing to behave, because the consequences will be bad if she doesn't. Nothing else to do but wait and worry.
Another problem is that there's not enough space for all the stuff I have. I was aware of this, but still... the kitchen is maybe half the size of what I had previously and I don't know how to fit everything in there. The cupboards are high up and to reach even half of them I have to stand up on a chair. I foresee lots of climbing up and down. Then again, something I am very happy about: there's is more space in the fridge and in the freezer than what I had earlier. Also there are more cupboards in the bathroom than earlier and I can fit things better in there than I used to.
I couldn't find my forks and knives and spoons yet or other kinds of food stuffs I know I have packed somewhere and so I didn't eat anything except for bread and one yoghurt yesterday. And some Budapest chocolates. It was raining and the wind blew hard and I didn't want to go outside. A strange day, but at least there'll be food at work today.
This morning I left home and went out of the building, walked for about 100 metres and came to the bus stop. Waited for 3 minutes, bus came, sat in the bus for 25 minutes, got off the bus and walked across the road to work. I won't get any exercise like this! Have to start doing something again. There is
a swimming hall very near home, across the road and in the next block of buildings and there is also a gym there and they have all kinds of general exercising possibilities. I should definitely start going there. I wonder if I can make this sound like a good idea to
arvoitus too... at least the swimming part would probably be all right. :) Have to check the prices and talk to her.
It'll be New Year today. Or tomorrow. Doesn't feel like it at all right now, but I'll get in the mood later.
Year 2007 meme. Post a few sentences from the first entry of each month.
I mentioned to Jutta's parents that my grandfather (on mum's side) had lived in the same area as them and it turned out that said grandfather's father had been friends with Jutta's grand-grandparents. Funny, that. People know everyone in small towns. Mum thought it was very cool when I called her and told her about it.
Olin sunnuntaina kavereiden kanssa Gloriassa kuuntelemassa kahta jpop-bändiä, Hagakure ja Anti Feminism. Menimme paikan päälle kuudelta, jolloin ovien piti aueta. Jonoa riitti puolet matkasta rakennuksen ympäri siinä vaiheessa. Loppujen lopuksi saimme hytistä pakkasessa puolitoista tuntia ennen kuin pääsimme sisään ja siinä vaiheessa sormet oli jo niin kohmeessa, että hyvä kun sai takin nappeja avattua tai narikkarahaa kaivettua lompakosta.
I am going to Tokyo in July! I and my friends have booked a flight and I've payed my share of it. Now we just have to find accommodation. ... I'm almost at the end of the 11th Wheel of Time book. On games front, I'm getting to the end of Kingdom Hearts 2 and I started FF VII from the beginning. This time I want to get to the end of it, I refuse to get stuck breeding chocobos!
I went to a hairdresser and now I have visible red stripes in my hair. ... I ate lunch at mum's and then we went to continue the slow cleaning-up process at my great-uncle's apartment. It is a huge mess. He has been collecting magazines over the years (oldest issues I found were from 1982) and there are neat piles everywhere around the apartment.
Joe visited me and Jutta a week ago and I went riding with Joe on Saturday and Sunday. It was the fence-jumping course we got in via my job. On both days we had a bit of theory first and then riding. I had a brown mare called Elli. She was very nice, but also very sensitive of her mouth, like I found out the hard way.
Life isn't too bad right now. Here I am, sitting at my desk at work and drinking sparkling wine. For the first time in five months our help desk statistics are what they should be and our boss ordered wine from the kitchen in celebration. ... Brother's high school graduation party is tomorrow.
On Saturday there was a family gathering type of a thing where we eat and drink. Dad's wife's sister had invited us to her apartment. I was a bit late and when I got there dad was just about to start sticking needles in to the said sister. Acupuncture needles, I mean.
Ankkarock ("Duck rock") festival really rocked. The weather was beautiful and the sun shone and I finally got a bit tanned. I took a dragon henna tattoo to my right ankle with the other girls, but it's starting to fade already.
I was informed today that the others have changed their minds and don't want to move in Turku with me after all. Or rather, the moving with me isn't the problem but the moving itself. There's no money and there's uncertainty in where people will be studying next year.
Katja keskeytti joutenoloni ja pyysi luokseen viiniä maistelemaan. Yritettiin pyytää poikiakin mukaan, mutta Toni oli liian laiska ja Henkka liian sairas. Jäin Katjalle yöksi ja lähdin sunnuntaina aamupäivällä takaisin kotiin pieni krapula päällä. Ei ollut huono olo, mutta päätä vähän jomotti. Loppupäivän vietin kotona CMX:n Talvikuningas-levyä kuunnellen. Se tuli pyöritettyä ympäri varmaan 5-6 kertaa. Joe kävi luonani matkallaan Porvoosta Turkuun ja soitin sillekin pari biisiä uudelta levyltä.
Today it was (jokingly) decided that a barracks building should be raised in the parking lot of the company and the whole service desk should move there. Then we could have a reality TV show made and see who lasts the longest. I think watching us could be pretty entertaining.
Mum noticed an ad this week about an apartment being rented out on a web page for doctors and she called the contact person immediately. Apparently the apartment is owned by the person's sister who lives in England. The last tenant just moved out and the place is free immediately.