
May 31, 2007 16:00

I am bored at work. There would be something to be done, but I don't feel like doing anything. Baah.

I have to go take the hepatitis A and B shots today and also tetanus, I think. Noticed that I had last gotten tetanus at the beginning of 1996 and it's supposed to be re-taken every 10 years... This is going to cost money. My poor wallet.

Your Score: ISFP

You scored 70% introversion, 28% intuition, 42% thinking, and 50% judging!


This personality test is heavily based on the Kiersey Sorter. In essence, it measures your personality across four variables: Introversion-Extraversion, Intuition-Sensing, Thinking-Feeling and Judging-Percieving. There are both positive and negative attributes to each of the traits.

Introversion-Extraversion: Generally, people who score high on "introversion" are reserved, quiet people who keep to themselves whereas people who score low on "introversion" are outgoing, friendly people who are extraverts.

People who score high on "intuition" are guided by gut instinct, they go on intuition as opposed to people who score low on this trait, who prefer to rely on established fact and their senses, rather than their own belief.

Thinking-Feeling: People with high scores on "thinking" rely more on their head to make decisions, whereas people who score low on "thinking" rely more on their heart to guide them. (Note: this has no bearing on a person's intelligence level; it merely refers to the way in which they make desicions.)

Judging-Percieving: People who score high "judging" are firm, decisisive people, whereas people who score low on this trait are flexible, accomodating people.


Stats: Approximately 4% of population.

DN characters with this type: Ide.

In a nutshell: "Sees much but shares little."

Desciption: Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Do not like conflict, and not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoy the present moment.

The category write-ups displayed here are not entirely my own; some of this info has been taken from personalitypage.com and some from changingminds.org, both of which are excellent sources of information about personality types. The test questions came in part from Please Understand Me II, another excellent source of information about personality types. Finally, if you'd like an incredibly detailed essay on your personality type, try typelogic.com who have a serious level of detail for anyone wanting to know more about this subject.

The Deathnote pics were made by me using scans by TOWNL and from deathgod.org. Thanks to LateNiteSlacker and Uchiha_Shadow for helping me categorize the various characters.

Thanks for taking my test, I hope you enjoyed!

Link: The Jung Type Death Note Test written by the_hamster on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Gah... Do I seriously have to be Yuna...? Oh well. Maybe she's not so bad.

Your Score: You are Yuna!

You scored 17 good or evil, 6 spirituality, -7 power, and 8 intelligence!

Undeniably innocent and intelligent with the slightest - almost invisible - hint of corruption, Yuna, the daughter of High Summoner Braska draws on strong beliefs, her quiet wisdom and the wealth of friendships around her to strike out and defend Spira from Sin. Physical strength is perhaps her only real disability, but she makes up for it with a strong connection to the metaphysical through her deep faith. Throughout FFX, Yuna is faced with a constant stream of tragedy, but she never loses hope - always moving forward with her faith in her heart. Even when that faith proved false, she kept on and fought to find something else to believe in, determined not to give in to Sin's whims. Finally finding a way to defeat Sin's cycle of torment, Yuna again faced tragedy as she faced the loss of her love. Ever determined and hopeful, she kept going on until finally recapturing what she was denied for her sacrifices.

Aligned with good, faithful and intelligent, if a bit weak, you are probably a very determined person with a strong belief in something - whether it be God or Starbucks Coffee is up to you. Chances are if you have that much determination coupled with keen knowledge, you'll get far in the world. Just try not to dwell too much on what you might be lacking strength-wise, and you should do well.

Similar Characters include Rinoa(ff8), Relm(ff6), Ramza(fft)

Your Polar opposite is Kefka. You can probably get along with Bahamut, and you may be able to tolerate Sephiroth or Delita.

Link: The Who are you in the FF Universe Test written by Helbereth on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Hey, when did it get so late? I actually get off now! Hooray! -->

satunnaista, testit

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